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WooCommerce Vs Shopify: Who Wins?

Written By: author image Komal Bothra
author image Komal Bothra
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WooCommerce vs Shopify

Do you want to start your own eCommerce business? Or want to upgrade your existing online store? Continue reading this WooCommerce vs Shopify article to make an informed choice.

In today’s ever-evolving eCommerce landscape, choosing the right platform for your online store is essential for its success. Two of the most popular eCommerce website building options are WooCommerce and Shopify, both offer unique features and benefits.

But how do they compare head-to-head? In this WooCommerce vs Shopify blog post, we’ll look at different factors to determine who comes out on top in this battle of eCommerce heavyweights.

Read: Ultimate Guide For Creating A WordPress eCommerce Website

An Overview of WooCommerce and Shopify 

Here’s a quick overview of the top two eCommerce platforms. It will give you a summary of what each can offer for your business. Let’s begin!

What is WooCommerce?


WooCommerce is a popular eCommerce platform designed for WordPress websites. It is a free and open-source plugin that adds extensive online store functionality to WordPress, allowing businesses to sell products and services online. With WooCommerce, users can easily set up and customize their online stores, choose from various WooCommerce themes and extensions, and manage products, orders, and customer data. It also offers a flexible and scalable solution suitable for small to large businesses.

What is Shopify?


Shopify is a paid eCommerce platform for selling products and services online. It handles everything from website design to setting up products and payment processing. It offers a user-friendly interface and various customization options. With Shopify, users can choose from a wide range of professionally designed templates to create online stores. It also has a marketplace of apps and plugins. 

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WooCommerce vs Shopify: Features Comparison

Both eCommerce platforms have much to offer for businesses of all sizes, but which is the best? Let’s compare their features to find out!

Shopify and WooCommerce: Ease of Use

Shopify is generally considered easier to use due to its user-friendly interface and comprehensive customer support. WooCommerce, on the other hand, requires more technical knowledge but provides greater flexibility and control for those comfortable with WordPress.

Shopify – Ease of Use

Shopify is known for its easy-to-use interface and intuitive setup process. It provides a hosted solution, meaning you don’t need to worry about managing software installations or servers. The platform offers a drag-and-drop editor, making it easy to customize your website. No coding knowledge is required. 

WooCommerce – Ease of Use

WooCommerce is a plugin for WordPress, meaning you need a WordPress website to use it. While WooCommerce offers great flexibility and customization options, it requires more technical knowledge than Shopify. You must handle tasks like web hosting, security, and software updates. However, if you’re already familiar with WordPress, WooCommerce can be relatively straightforward to use.

Shopify or WooCommerce: Functionality

Shopify offers a more streamlined approach with built-in functionality, while WooCommerce provides greater flexibility and customization options. It is ideal for those who prefer a simplified setup and management process, while WooCommerce is a better choice for those who want full control over their store’s functionality and design.


Shopify Functionalities

Shopify is known for its simplicity and ease of use, making it a suitable choice for beginners or those who prefer a hassle-free setup. It offers a simple interface and built-in features and has an app store to add features & functionality to your shop.

WooCommerce Functionalities

Since WooCommerce is a plugin, it’s less comprehensive than Shopify out of the box. However, with WooCommerce, you can completely control your online store and customize various aspects, such as design, functionality, and integrations. It also allows you to extend the functionality of your store through numerous plugins and extensions.

Read: Customize WooCommerce Templates & Product Pages 

Shopify vs WooCommerce: Availability of Themes

Shopify has its own dedicated theme store with a wide selection of professionally designed themes, while WooCommerce allows you to leverage the extensive library of WordPress themes.

Themes by Shopify


Shopify themes are created by Shopify and third-party developers. Many of these themes are responsive, easy to install and customize. You can change the colors, fonts, and other design elements. Shopify offers both free and premium themes. The prices for themes may vary depending on their complexity and features.

WooCommerce Themes


WooCommerce integrates with WordPress, giving you access to many free and premium themes. Since WooCommerce is highly customizable, you can modify the appearance of your store by editing the theme’s code or using page builders and customizer plugins. However, it’s worth noting that not all WordPress themes are built specifically for WooCommerce. So ensure that the theme you pick is compatible and supports WooCommerce functionalities.

Read: Best WordPress Page Builders

Shopify or WooCommerce: Integrations, Plugins, and Add-ons

Shopify offers a dedicated App Store with various apps, while WooCommerce leverages the vast WordPress plugin repository. WooCommerce also has an advantage over Shopify regarding integration with WordPress plugins. In addition, WooCommerce’s open-source nature allows WooCommerce developers to create custom integrations and add-ons.

Shopify Integration, Plugins, and Add-ons


Shopify provides a robust App Store, wherein you can find both free and paid apps to integrate with your Shopify store. The App Store offers add-ons for various categories, including marketing, inventory management, customer support, shipping, and more. It also allows you to add features like email marketing, abandoned cart recovery, loyalty programs, and social media.

WooCommerce Integration, Plugins, and Add-ons


WooCommerce benefits from the vast WordPress ecosystem, offering a multitude of free and premium plugins to enhance your WooCommerce store. You can find WooCommerce extensions and add-ons for payment gateways, shipping options, marketing automation, SEO optimization, analytics, and much more.

Read: Best WooCommerce Product Add-ons 

Shopify vs WooCommerce: SEO

Many factors go into SEO, so it can be hard to determine which platform is better. However, when it comes to SEO features, WooCommerce is a clear winner.


Shopify Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Features

Shopify offers built-in SEO features and tools that make it relatively easy to optimize your store. It provides customizable title tags, meta descriptions, and URLs for individual pages, products, and blog posts. The platform also has clean and responsive HTML markup, which contributes to better SEO performance.

Related: What Are The Best Headline Tags For SEO

WooCommerce Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Features

WooCommerce, being built on WordPress, is known for its SEO-friendly nature. WordPress itself is recognized for its strong SEO foundation. WooCommerce provides control over important SEO elements such as meta tags, headings, and URLs for individual products and pages. 

You can use popular WordPress SEO plugins like Yoast SEO to optimize your WooCommerce store further. These plugins offer advanced features like XML sitemaps, content analysis, and social media integration to improve your store’s SEO performance.

Related: What Is An XML Sitemap

WooCommerce and Shopify: Security and Performance

Shopify provides a hosted solution with built-in security measures and optimized performance. WooCommerce, being self-hosted, requires proactive security measures and selecting a reliable hosting provider.


WooCommerce Security and Performance

As a self-hosted solution, the security and performance of a WooCommerce store largely depend on the hosting environment you choose. You have control over selecting a reputable hosting provider that offers robust security measures and optimal performance.

You can implement best website security practices, such as SSL certificates and secure login credentials. Plus, because WooCommerce is built on WordPress, it benefits from all of the security improvements and updates that WordPress releases.

Performance optimization techniques like caching, image optimization, and using a content delivery network can be implemented to enhance the speed and performance of your WooCommerce store.

Related: Best WordPress Speed Optimization Services

Shopify Security and Performance

Shopify is a fully hosted platform, which means that Shopify handles all the behind-the-scenes security work for you. While this can be a relief for some store owners, it also means that you have less control over your site’s overall security. Also, since Shopify is a closed platform, it doesn’t benefit from the same community-driven security improvements as WooCommerce.

However, Shopify does ensure that its servers are reliable, scalable, and optimized for performance, offering fast page load times.

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WooCommerce or Shopify: Payment Methods

When it comes to payment methods, WooCommerce has an edge over Shopify. WooCommerce allows you to choose from various payment gateways that integrate seamlessly with the platform. On the other hand, Shopify has its own payment gateway – Shopify Payments.

woocommerce- shopify-payment-methods

WooCommerce Payment Methods

WooCommerce does not provide a built-in payment gateway, so you can choose payment gateways available in your region. Popular payment gateway options for WooCommerce include PayPal, Apple Pay, Stripe, Square, Google Pay, and many more. Further, WooCommerce allows you to accept offline payments, such as cash on delivery or bank transfers.

Related: Stripe vs Square: Which Is Better For Your Business

Shopify Payment Methods

You can accept credit card payments directly on your website with Shopify Payments. Shopify Payments supports major credit cards and provides competitive transaction fees. In addition to Shopify Payments, you can integrate with other third-party payment gateways, including PayPal, Stripe,, WorldPay, and more.

WooCommerce vs Shopify: Dropshipping

WooCommerce can be customized to support dropshipping through various plugins and extensions. In comparison, Shopify offers built-in features and dedicated apps for dropshipping.

WooCommerce Dropshipping

With WooCommerce, you would need to use plugins that provide integration with dropshipping suppliers or extensions that enable order fulfillment and inventory management. Some popular WooCommerce dropshipping plugins include AliDropship, Dropified, and WooDropship.

Read: How to Duplicate a Product in WooCommerce

Shopify Dropshipping

Shopify has built-in features and integrations specifically designed for dropshipping. The platform offers apps and integrations that allow you to easily connect with popular dropshipping suppliers. These integrations enable you to import products from suppliers directly into your Shopify store, manage inventory, and automatically fulfill orders.

WooCommerce and Shopify: Scalability and Growth

Shopify and WooCommerce offer scalability and growth potential, but WooCommerce has an edge over Shopify due to its seamless integration with WordPress.

WooCommerce Scalability and Growth

WooCommerce is highly scalable, and its flexibility allows you to customize and optimize your website according to your requirements. It is designed to handle high traffic and scale effectively as your business grows. However, being a self-hosted platform, WooComerce’s scalability largely depends on the hosting infrastructure and resources you allocate to it.

Shopify Scalability and Growth

Shopify is a hosted platform offering various plans catering to different business sizes and needs. It allows you to easily upgrade your plan as your business expands. The platform is optimized for speed & reliability and offers unlimited bandwidth.

Learn: How To Migrate From Shopify to WooCommerce?

Shopify and WooCommerce: Support Options

Shopify offers dedicated support and has an extensive knowledge base. WooCommerce’s support options are more limited. The official support is limited to submitting a ticket to their helpdesk. However, WooCommerce does benefit from the broader WordPress community for help and support.


Shopify Support Options

Shopify is known for its strong customer support. They provide 24/7 support via live chat, email, and phone. The live chat option allows you to get immediate assistance for any questions or issues. Shopify also offers an extensive help center with documentation, tutorials, and guides that cover various aspects of using the platform.

WooCommerce Support Options

WooCommerce lacks dedicated support channels since it is a free and open-source plugin. However, you can access the extensive WordPress support ecosystem. The official WooCommerce website offers documentation, user guides, and a knowledge base to help you navigate and troubleshoot common issues. Moreover, the forums are a valuable resource where you can find answers to questions, seek community support, and interact with other WooCommerce users.

Shopify or WooCommerce: Pricing Model

Shopify offers a more straightforward pricing model that includes hosting and support in the subscription plans. WooCommerce itself is free, but you need to account for hosting, domain, and SSL costs, as well as potential expenses for themes and extensions.

Shopify Pricing Model

Shopify offers a subscription-based pricing model with multiple plans to choose from. The plans range from basic to advanced, with varying features and limitations.

  • The Basic plan costs $24.29/per month
  • The Shopify plan is priced at $90.71/per month
  • The Advanced Shopify plan starts at $367.42/per month.

These plans include hosting, security, and support. However, additional costs can arise from transaction fees if you use third-party payment gateways instead of Shopify Payments. Also, there are costs associated with premium themes, apps, and add-ons, which can vary depending on your requirements.

WooCommerce Pricing Model

WooCommerce is a free plugin for WordPress site. Once installed, you’ll need to purchase a hosting plan and domain name (if you don’t already have one). The hosting costs depend on the provider and the resources required. Hosting plans at DreamHost start at around $16.95/per month, and domain names usually cost approximately $7.99/year. 

Further, premium WooCommerce themes and extensions can have one-time or recurring costs. While there are free WooCommerce plugins available, certain advanced functionalities may require premium extensions.

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Advantages of WooCommerce Over Shopify

There are several reasons why WooCommerce has an advantage over Shopify as an eCommerce platform. 

  • WooCommerce is a free and open-source platform, while Shopify is a paid platform. It means anyone can download and use WooCommerce without paying any fees. 
  • It offers more flexibility than Shopify in terms of customization. With WooCommerce, you can change the look and feel of your store by installing different themes and plugins. Or you can opt for a custom web design. On the other hand, Shopify offers less flexibility when it comes to web design and customization.
  • WooCommerce integrates with WordPress, the world’s most popular CMS. This integration makes it easy to set up and manage a WooCommerce store. 
  • It offers more SEO features compared to Shopify. It makes it easy for store owners to optimize their website seamlessly, thereby improving their site’s visibility on the search result.
  • WooCommerce has a larger community of web developers and users than Shopify. It means more resources are available for troubleshooting and answering questions about using the platform.

The Best Solution – Who Wins?

In a head-to-head comparison, it’s clear that WooCommerce is the best solution for small businesses and startups. While Shopify does have some advantages, such as being easier to set up and use, WooCommerce is a more flexible and customizable platform that can be better tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses. 

Moreover, WooCommerce offers the widest features and plugins, giving companies a more comprehensive range of options to choose from. Overall, WooCommerce is the better choice for businesses looking for the most comprehensive and customizable eCommerce solution.

Want To Migrate From Shopify To WooCommerce?

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is WooCommerce Better Than Shopify?

It depends on the type of website you want to build and your goal. WooCommerce and Shopify offer many features, advantages, and disadvantages. If you need more control over design and coding, WooCommerce is an excellent option. However, if you don’t want to spend much time managing the website and need an easy way to set up an online store, Shopify is a better choice.

Read: WooCommerce vs BigCommerce

Should I Migrate to WooCommerce From Shopify?

That depends on what your website needs are. If you need more flexibility and control, WooCommerce is a great option. WooCommerce also has great SEO benefits for eCommerce websites and many design & customization options. However, it is best to speak with one of our expert WooCommerce developers to determine which platform would work best for you.

Which Platform is More Scalable, WooCommerce or Shopify?

WooCommerce and Shopify have much to offer when it comes to scalability. But, we recommend WooCommerce for businesses looking for more advanced features. With WooCommerce, you can create custom shopping carts, manage inventory across multiple channels, integrate additional payment gateways, and even add customization options.

On the other hand, Shopify is more suited for beginners just starting their online store. It’s easy to set up, but has fewer customization options than WooCommerce. Ultimately, you must decide which platform suits your unique business needs.

Related: How To Add FAQs To Your WooCommerce Store

Why Choose WooCommerce Over Shopify?

WooCommerce is an open-source platform built on WordPress, giving you complete control over your store. Having full control over your store makes it easier to customize, extend, and scale for future growth. Furthermore, WooCommerce offers more themes, plugins, and payment gateway options than Shopify. It is also better in terms of SEO and is cost-effective.

Also Read: Magento vs WooCommerce

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