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DreamHost Vs. BlueHost

Written By: author image Komal Bothra
author image Komal Bothra
DreamHost vs. BlueHost

When we talk about hosting our sites and getting some benefits, Endurance International Group and DreamHost are the first names that come to our mind. Different popular EIG products have different specifications. As a result, they become differently beneficial to the users.

Cause of comparison

DreamHost and BlueHost are two of the most famous hosting products. Though BlueHost is far behind DreamHost in most of the aspects, BlueHost also impresses us in a few points. That’s why with our experts’ views at Seahawk Media, we are discussing some of the most important aspects to find out the best between these two.

Step-by-step Comparison

Though ironically BlueHost has more popularity than DreamHost, people find DreamHost more advantageous and user-friendly in most of the important aspects.

Ease of Use

The interface of any program is one of the greatest points of recognition for any platform. The more simple the interface is, the more it will be easy to use, and the more the users will like it.
BlueHost’s account set up process and the overall interface is very annoying to users because it shows plenty of its costly premium plans at various points of the interface. So, it somehow looks like they are forcing the users to buy those plans.
On the other hand, DreamHost offers a very clear and easy-to-use interface. Anyone can smoothly navigate to any portion and quickly learn to use it.
So, DreamHost overtakes BlueHost in ease of use.

Hosting Features

Huge storage and easy handling of plenty of files are the two most important things to consider while hosting a website.
BlueHost offers 50GB of storage with its basic plan but the allowed number of files is limited. And, that becomes a nightmare for website hosting.
Whereas DreamHost also provides 50GB of storage with their starter plan but with a truly unlimited allowance for files.
Hence DreamHost overtakes BlueHost in terms of hosting.


Everyone needs to secure their data by proper backups.
BlueHost provides 3 backups only (one monthly, one weekly, and one daily). Because they want to sell you higher backup options at high prices.
DreamHost provides 8 backups and you can use them anytime with the on-demand feature. Then you can download the backup files and save them on your hard drive at your convenience.
So, DreamHost is a clear winner over BlueHost here too.

WordPress Integration

WordPress is a famous website builder tool and many people build their websites using it. So, the smooth hosting of a WordPress site is much needed for its users.
Though both DreamHost and BlueHost offer great plans for WordPress site hosting, the plans of DreamHost are much cheaper than BlueHost.
And, it becomes a great advantage in favor of DreamHost.


Though BlueHost provides a great uptime guarantee, they don’t provide any credit for their failures. You can cancel your account anytime without any penalties and can get a refund of the unused portion of your plan.
But, DreamHost provides a 100% uptime guarantee with a one-day credit for each hour of your site being down. The amount can be a maximum of 10% of your total hosting fee and the scheduled maintenance days are excluded from this offer.
Here also DreamHost is a winner.


BlueHost provides great protection by daily malware and virus scans. They have an uninterrupted power supply along with diesel backup generators. They monitor their network 24/7/365.
DreamHost also provides 24/7/365 live CCTV monitoring but, they ensure their security features to be ultimate with the help of their partner StopTheHacker. They take immense care of daily virus and malware scans at peak efficiency. They have well secure server rooms along with an uninterrupted power supply and high-tech cooling systems to keep their servers healthy.
Hence, DreamHost can be considered as much more secure than BlueHost.


Technical services need to provide the most active support anytime. Most efficient technical persons can also get stuck at any point.
Though both DreamHost and BlueHost provide impressive support to their users, DreamHost’s support was proved to be much better in terms of overall support quality and WordPress-specific support quality.


Being affordable is always a great advantage for anything.
In terms of website hosting, DreamHost provides a much cheaper and convenient deal compared to BlueHost. So, DreamHost is much advantageous in terms of pricing.


From all these points, we can clearly see that DreamHost is a much better option than BlueHost from various important aspects.

At Seahawk Media, we are always eager to provide you great services related to website building and many more. We also have a special affiliation code for DreamHost hosting. To speak with our experts and to avail our services, feel free to contact us. Also, visit our blog page for more information about various web products.

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