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Elementor Vs Beaver Builder: Which Is The Best Page Builder?

Written By: author image Regina Patil
author image Regina Patil

Choosing the right page builder in WordPress website development is paramount for creating visually stunning and functionally robust websites. Among the leading contenders in WordPress page builder plugins, Elementor and Beaver Builder are popular choices, each boasting a user-friendly interface and many features. 

In this comprehensive Elementor vs Beaver Builder comparison, we will delve into the strengths and nuances of Elementor and Beaver Builder. This will empower you to make a well-informed decision and elevate your WordPress website creation experience.

What is a Page Builder in WordPress?

A Page Builder in WordPress is a tool or plugin that enables users to design and customize the layout of their website pages without needing to code. It provides a drag-and-drop interface, allowing users to effortlessly add, arrange, and style various elements on a page. 

WordPress page builders typically include a wide range of pre-built modules or widgets, such as text boxes, images, buttons, and more, making it easy for users to create visually appealing and responsive designs.

These tools are particularly beneficial for users who may not have extensive coding knowledge, offering a user-friendly and intuitive way to build and edit content within the WordPress environment. Popular examples include Elementor, Beaver Builder, and SeedProd.

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An Overview of Elementor and Beaver Builder

Elementor and Beaver Builder are leading page builder plugins for WordPress. Here’s a brief overview of them:

Elementor: The Best Free Website Builder for WordPress

Elementor is a versatile and widely adopted page builder plugin for WordPress. Known for its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, Elementor empowers users to design and customize their websites easily. Offering a plethora of pre-designed templates and a vast library of widgets, it also seamlessly integrates diverse elements into web pages.


Elementor’s real-time editing feature lets users witness changes instantly, making the design process highly interactive. Moreover, its responsive design capabilities ensure that websites look and function optimally across various devices.

Read: Elementor vs SeedProd: Detailed Comparison

Beaver Builder: WordPress Page Builder Plugin

Beaver Builder is another popular WordPress page builder, prized for its simplicity and robust functionality. With a user-friendly interface, Beaver Builder facilitates the creation of intricate page layouts through its drag-and-drop editor. It also emphasizes clean code and compatibility with WordPress themes, ensuring smooth integration into existing websites.


It offers a range of modules for diverse content types, enabling users to craft visually appealing pages without technical challenges. Known for its reliability and performance, Beaver Builder caters to beginners and experienced developers seeking a seamless and efficient page-building experience.

Elementor vs Beaver Builder: Detailed Comparison

In this detailed comparison, we’ll analyze key aspects of Elementor and Beaver Builder. From user interfaces to design flexibility and performance, we’ll explore their strengths and nuances to help you decide on your website development needs.

Interface: For Seamless Website Design

A user-friendly interface is paramount in a page builder, shaping the ease and efficiency of website design.

Elementor Interface: Elementor boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface with a live, real-time editor. The drag-and-drop functionality makes designing seamless, allowing users to witness changes instantly. The sidebar navigation also provides quick access to elements, styles, and settings, ensuring a smooth and efficient design process.


Beaver Builder Interface: Beaver Builder’s interface is designed for simplicity, featuring a clean and straightforward layout. The drag-and-drop editor is easy to navigate, providing users a smooth building experience. The toolbar and modules are also neatly organized, creating an uncomplicated and beginner-friendly interface.


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Ease of Use

The ease of use is an essential factor influencing the efficiency and accessibility of website design for beginners and experienced developers alike.

Elementor Ease of Use: Elementor’s drag-and-drop editor, coupled with real-time editing, makes it exceptionally user-friendly. The intuitive interface, comprehensive documentation, and vast pre-designed templates provide a seamless design process.


Beaver Builder Ease of Use: Beaver Builder prioritizes simplicity, ensuring even novices can navigate the drag-and-drop system effortlessly. Its clean interface, straightforward modules, and focus on compatibility with WordPress themes make it an excellent choice for those seeking a hassle-free design experience.

Know more: Types Of Websites You Can Build With WordPress

Diverse Range of Modules

Modules are the building blocks of a page builder, offering a diverse range of elements to enhance website functionality and aesthetics.

Elementor Modules: Elementor offers a rich library of modules, including text, images, buttons, forms, and more. Beyond the basics, it provides advanced widgets for dynamic content, making it versatile for various website types. The ability to customize and style each module extensively adds to its appeal.

Beaver Builder Modules: Beaver Builder’s module selection covers essential elements for content creation, such as text, images, and buttons. While it may not have as extensive a library as Elementor, Beaver Builder emphasizes clean and efficient design. The modules are well-crafted, providing flexibility without overwhelming users with unnecessary options.

Learn: Step-By-Step Guide To Create Custom Blocks In WordPress

Theme Builder

A robust Theme Builder is essential for customizing your WordPress site’s overall look and layout. It allows users to control headers, footers, single post layouts, and more.

Elementor Theme Builder: Elementor’s Theme Builder empowers users to design every aspect of their site with precision. From creating custom headers and footers to dynamic single post layouts, Elementor offers a comprehensive Theme Builder experience. The visual editor makes seeing and adjusting changes in real time easy.


Beaver Builder Theme Builder: Beaver Builder’s Theme Builder provides users with the tools to customize key elements of their site’s theme. While not as extensive as Elementor, it still enables the creation of unique headers, footers, and layouts. Beaver Builder’s focus on simplicity and efficiency remains evident in its Theme Builder functionality.

Read: PSD To WordPress Conversion Using A Base Theme And A Page Builder

Popup Builder

Popup builders are indispensable tools for engaging website visitors and capturing their attention. Both Elementor and Beaver Builder offer Popup Builder features, allowing users to easily create compelling popups.

Elementor Popup Builder: Elementor’s Popup Builder is a powerful tool for creating visually appealing and highly customizable pop-ups.

With a user-friendly interface, it enables the creation of popups for various purposes, such as promotions or newsletter sign-ups. Integration with Elementor’s extensive widget library also enhances the creative possibilities.


Beaver Builder Popup Builder: Beaver Builder’s Popup Builder is designed for simplicity and effectiveness. While not as feature-rich as Elementor, it provides essential tools for crafting popups with ease.

Related: Top 5 WordPress Popup Plugins To Grow Your Audience

Design Options

The design options page builders offer significantly impact a website’s visual appeal and uniqueness.

Elementor Design Options: Elementor stands out for its vast array of design options. Users can customize colors, typography, spacing, and more with a rich set of styling controls for each element. Additionally, Elementor’s Theme Style feature ensures consistent design across various website sections, enhancing overall cohesion.

Beaver Builder Design Options: While Beaver Builder may not offer as many granular design options as Elementor, it excels in simplicity and efficiency. Users can customize colors, fonts, and spacing, focusing on creating clean and visually appealing designs.


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Themes and Templates

The availability of themes and templates is pivotal for expediting the website design process and achieving a professional look.

Elementor Themes and Templates: Elementor provides an extensive library of pre-designed templates catering to diverse industries and design preferences. The templates cover entire pages, sections, or individual blocks, allowing users to kickstart their projects with visually appealing designs. Elementor is also compatible with WordPress themes, which adds to its flexibility.

Beaver Builder Themes and Templates: Beaver Builder emphasizes quality over quantity. It offers well-designed templates that users can easily customize. Beaver Builder’s compatibility with most WP themes also ensures seamless integration, providing users with a solid foundation for their website design endeavors.


Read: Best Elementor Landing Page Templates

Responsive Design

A responsive design ensures a seamless, visually appealing user experience across various screen sizes.

Elementor Responsive Design: Elementor excels in providing responsive design options. Its editor lets users preview and adjust the layout for different devices, ensuring the website looks polished on desktops, tablets, and smartphones. This attention to responsive design contributes to a consistently excellent user experience.


Beaver Builder Responsive Design: Beaver Builder prioritizes responsive design, allowing users to preview and customize layouts for different devices. Its responsive design features ensure that websites created with the builder maintain a visually appealing and functional presentation across various devices.

Know more: Responsive WordPress Web Design

Performance of the Page Builder

Page builder performance ensures fast loading times and optimal user experience.


Elementor Performance: Elementor has made significant strides in optimizing performance. While its extensive features and capabilities may introduce some additional script and CSS, recent updates have focused on minimizing the impact on page loading times. Users can use performance settings and optimizations to fine-tune Elementor for faster website speeds.

Beaver Builder Performance: Beaver Builder is renowned for its commitment to clean and efficient code, contributing to a lightweight and fast-loading user experience. Its emphasis on simplicity and performance also ensures that websites built with Beaver Builder maintain excellent speed and responsiveness.

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Here are the pricing details for these page builders. Both of these WordPress page builders offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, ensuring customer satisfaction and allowing users to try it risk-free.

Elementor Pricing: Elementor offers flexible and customizable options for creating stunning websites. It offers four different pricing plans to cater to the varying needs of users. 

  • The Essential plan, priced at $59 per year, is ideal for basic websites. 
  • The Advanced plan, at $99 per year, is suitable for professional and eCommerce websites. 
  • The Expert plan, priced at $199 per year, is designed for freelancers who need to manage multiple sites. 
  • The Agency plan, at $399 per year, is perfect for high-growth agencies.

Beaver Builder Pricing: Beaver Builder offers a variety of pricing options to fit the needs of different users. The pricing plans include:

  • Standard $99/per year
  • PRO $199/per year
  • Agency $399/per year
  • Ultimate $546/per year 

Support and Documentation

Quality support is vital when working with page builders, providing users with assistance, troubleshooting, and resources to navigate any challenges.

Elementor Support: Elementor offers robust support through its documentation, tutorials, and an active community forum. Premium users gain access to direct customer support, enhancing the available assistance level. The extensive knowledge base and engaged community also contribute to a supportive user ecosystem.

Beaver Builder Support: Beaver Builder provides excellent support through its knowledge base, documentation, and community forum. Additionally, premium users benefit from priority support and access to the Beaver Builder team for assistance.

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Elementor vs Beaver Builder: Pros and Cons

Here’s a table detailing the pros and cons of Elementor and Beaver Builder:

AspectElementorBeaver Builder
Design OptionsExtensive styling controls, versatile and customizable.Emphasis on simplicity and efficiency in design.
Real-Time EditingLive editor for instant visual feedback.Clean and straightforward interface for easy navigation.
Module LibraryVast library with advanced widgets for dynamic content.Well-crafted modules offering essential design elements.
Theme BuilderComprehensive control over headers, footers, and layouts.Allows customization of key elements in the site’s theme.
Responsive DesignRobust options for optimizing layouts across devices.Ensures websites maintain a polished look on all screens.
Learning CurveExtensive features may pose a learning curve for beginners.May lack some advanced features found in other builders.
Performance ImpactUpdates have addressed performance, but impact remains.Efficient code, but extensive features may affect speed.
Module Library (BB)Comprehensive but might not be as extensive as competitors.Well-crafted modules, but the library is not as vast.
Design Options (BB)Robust, but some users may desire more granular controls.While flexible, design options may not be as extensive.
Elementor vs Beaver Builder: Pros and Cons Table

WordPress Page Builders: Best Suited For

The ideal choice between Elementor and Beaver Builder depends on specific needs and preferences. Both page builders excel in certain areas, making them suitable for different user scenarios. Let’s explore the best use cases for each, helping users decide based on their unique requirements.

Elementor is Best Suited for

Elementor is well-suited for users who prioritize extensive design options, a versatile module library, and real-time editing capabilities. It’s an excellent choice for designers, WordPress developers, and website owners looking for a feature-rich and highly customizable page builder. The robust Theme Builder also makes it a preferred option for those who want comprehensive control over their site’s layout and appearance.

Beaver Builder is Best Suited for

Beaver Builder is ideal for users who prioritize simplicity, efficiency, and clean code. It’s particularly well-suited for beginners, small businesses, and users who prefer a straightforward interface without sacrificing essential design features. Beaver Builder’s emphasis on compatibility with most WordPress themes makes it suitable for users seeking a reliable and performance-oriented page-building solution.

To Sum Up

In WordPress page builders, the choice between Elementor and Beaver Builder ultimately hinges on individual preferences and project requirements. Elementor’s extensive design options, real-time editing, and robust Theme Builder make it a powerful choice for those seeking comprehensive control.

On the other hand, Beaver Builder’s simplicity, clean code, and performance-oriented approach cater to users valuing efficiency. 

Whether opting for the versatility of Elementor or the straightforwardness of Beaver Builder, both platforms empower users to craft visually stunning websites.

Assessing their strengths and limitations outlined in this comparison will guide users in making an informed decision, ensuring a seamless and productive website-building experience.

Elementor vs Beaver Builder FAQs

Why is Beaver Builder better than Elementor?

Beaver Builder is often considered better for users who prefer simplicity, efficiency, and clean code. It offers a straightforward interface and focuses on performance, making it an excellent choice for those who prioritize ease of use and fast-loading websites.

Can I use Beaver Builder and Elementor together?

Using both Beaver Builder and Elementor on the same site is not recommended. These independent page builders may conflict with each other, leading to potential issues in the website’s design and functionality.

Does Elementor affect site speed?

Elementor may have some impact on site speed due to its extensive features. However, recent updates have focused on performance improvements, and users can optimize settings to mitigate potential speed issues.

What are the limitations of Elementor?

While powerful, Elementor has limitations such as a learning curve for beginners, potential impact on site speed, and reliance on shortcodes. Free users may also have limited access to certain features compared to the premium version.

Can I use Elementor on multiple sites?

Yes, you can use Elementor on multiple sites. Elementor offers both free and premium versions, with the premium version often providing additional features and licenses for use on multiple websites.

Can I use Elementor for multiple clients?

Yes, you can use Elementor for multiple clients. The premium version of Elementor, especially the “Elementor Pro” version, often comes with a license that allows usage on client websites, making it suitable for freelance designers or agencies working with multiple clients.

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