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FlyingPress Detailed Review 2024

Written By: author image Komal Bothra
author image Komal Bothra
FlyingPress Review

In 2024, website performance remains critical to user experience and search engine rankings. FlyingPress, an innovative WordPress plugin, has emerged as a powerful solution to optimize website speed and enhance overall performance. In this review, we delve into the key features, support, and pricing of FlyingPress, exploring how it elevates WordPress websites to new heights.

FlyingPress Overview

FlyingPress is a modern and efficient WordPress Speed Optimization and cache plugin. With its easy configuration and high performance, FlyingPress is designed to streamline website loading speed and enhance overall performance. This plugin offers a simple user interface and covers crucial speed optimization aspects, including image optimization, page caching, and more.

Read: 6 Best WordPress Speed Optimization Services

FlyingPress Features

Some of the best features of FlyingPress are as below:

Page Caching


FlyingPress offers the essential page caching feature, a popular tool in speed optimization plugins. When enabled, this feature caches your website’s web pages, significantly reducing page load times. By caching your website, FlyingPress ensures faster loading and improved overall website performance, enhancing user experience.

Cache Preloading

With the ‘Cache Pages’ feature enabled, FlyingPress generates static HTML for each page on your website. These static pages are served to visitors instead of dynamically building pages using PHP, WordPress, and the database. The Cache Preloading functionality automatically generates cached pages whenever you change your website. This ensures visitors experience faster loading after updates, resulting in a seamless and optimized browsing experience. Cache Preloading is a powerful tool that contributes to the continuous speed optimization of your WordPress website with FlyingPress.

Read: 10 Fastest WordPress Themes (with PageSpeed scores)

JS Minify


The FlyingPress Plugin offers the powerful JS Minify feature, which allows you to optimize your website’s JavaScript files effectively. FlyingPress optimizes your JS files by enabling this feature, including removing white spaces and comments, crunching property values, and generating a hash for automatic cache invalidation. These optimizations significantly reduce the file size of your JavaScript, resulting in faster loading times for your website. With FlyingPress’s JS Minify, you can enhance browser loading speed and reduce overall execution time, ensuring a smooth and efficient user experience for your visitors.

Know: How To Optimize Images And Improve Website Speed?

Preload Links


User experience is crucial in website optimization, and FlyingPress understands its significance. By enabling the ‘Preload Links’ feature, FlyingPress ensures that when a user hovers over or touches a link on your website, the linked page is preloaded inside the browser cache. As a result, when the user clicks on the link, the preloaded page loads immediately, offering a seamless and instant browsing experience. Unlike the server-side preloading cache, the preloaded links are stored within the browser cache, further enhancing the speed and responsiveness of your website. With FlyingPress’s Preload Links, you can swiftly redirect visitors to their desired pages and deliver an outstanding user experience.

Related: How To Improve Google PageSpeed On WordPress?

Defer JavaScript

The FlyingPress Plugin offers the valuable ‘Defer JavaScript’ option to enhance website loading speed and overall user experience. By enabling this feature, FlyingPress prevents the scenario where the browser loads HTML and JavaScript first when a user visits a website. This often leads to a blank web page, impacting user experience negatively.

With ‘Defer JavaScript,’ FlyingPress addresses the issue of render-blocking JavaScript files injected by plugins and themes. Instead of waiting to download these files before rendering the page, the browser loads the script asynchronously and in parallel. However, the script will run once the page parsing is complete. This optimizes the loading process, ensuring faster page rendering and improved user experience.

Lazy Render

The FlyingPress Plugin introduces the powerful ‘Lazy Render’ feature, designed to significantly improve key performance metrics like Time to Interactive, Total Blocking Time, and Largest Contentful Paint.

Like lazy loading images, Lazy Render optimizes the rendering of HTML elements. Instead of rendering all elements on the page immediately, Lazy Render only renders elements when required or near the viewport. This approach enables the browser to focus on rendering content that is visible above the fold first, enhancing the overall user experience.

By adopting Lazy Render, FlyingPress ensures that web pages load faster and become more interactive, reducing user waiting time and improving performance metrics that influence search engine rankings and user engagement.

Learn: WordPress Performance Optimization To Do Without Plugin

CSS Minify 

FlyingPress offers the ‘Minify CSS’ option to further optimize your WordPress site’s performance. This feature ensures that your website’s CSS files are stripped of all unused comments and unnecessary spaces. By doing so, FlyingPress effectively reduces the CSS file size, leading to faster loading times and improved website performance.

With the ‘Minify & Optimize CSS Files’ option turned on, FlyingPress optimizes your CSS files, removing white spaces and comments and crunching property values. Additionally, FlyingPress rewrites font and background image URLs in CSS files to apply Content Delivery Network (CDN) (if enabled), further enhancing file loading speed.

Moreover, FlyingPress generates a hash for automatic cache invalidation, ensuring that changes to the CSS are reflected accurately and promptly on the user’s end. These comprehensive optimizations contribute to a streamlined and efficient website experience, making FlyingPress a valuable tool for achieving top-notch performance for your WordPress site.

Generate Critical and Used CSS

FlyingPress addresses the issue of render-blocking CSS files injected by various plugins and themes through its ‘Generate Critical and Used CSS’ feature. This feature optimizes page rendering when enabled by prioritizing critical and used CSS over the rest of the CSS files.

By loading critical and used CSS with higher priority, FlyingPress allows the browser to render the page more quickly and efficiently. This results in a faster Time to Interactive and reduced Total Blocking Time, improving the overall user experience.

Moreover, FlyingPress loads unused CSS files asynchronously when a user interacts with the website. This approach ensures that the user experiences faster loading times for the essential elements of the page while loading unused CSS in the background.

However, it’s essential to note that removing unnecessary CSS may lead to a suboptimal user experience. FlyingPress balances critical and used CSS while handling unused CSS to maintain optimal performance without compromising the user’s experience.

Google Font Optimization 


Fonts play a significant role in speed optimization, and unoptimized fonts can adversely affect your website’s performance. FlyingPress addresses this concern by offering an option to optimize your Google Fonts, ensuring a faster-loading experience for your WordPress site.

With the ‘Optimize Google Fonts’ feature enabled, FlyingPress combines all Google Fonts used on the page, reducing the number of HTTP requests. Additionally, FlyingPress self-hosts Google Fonts by downloading and saving them locally, eliminating the need to fetch them from external sources. This self-hosting approach contributes to faster font loading and overall website speed.

Moreover, FlyingPress optimizes Google Fonts by inlining the CSS, further streamlining the font loading process, and reducing additional requests. By leveraging the ‘Optimize Google Fonts’ option, you can significantly enhance your website’s loading speed and provide a smoother browsing experience for your visitors.

Preload Fonts


To further optimize font loading and enhance user experience, FlyingPress offers the ‘Preload Fonts’ option. Preloading fonts instructs the browser to load the specified fonts immediately and at high priority, ensuring faster font rendering and reducing the chances of users encountering a blank page.

When the ‘Preload Fonts’ option is enabled, FlyingPress prioritizes loading fonts that are either mentioned in a CSS file or necessary for the content above the fold. This approach ensures that crucial fonts required for the initial page display are loaded promptly, enhancing the overall perceived speed of your website.

While using multiple fonts can impact loading speed, FlyingPress allows you to enable this option if you use different fonts in your WordPress site. However, it is advisable to use fonts judiciously to avoid any negative impact on loading times.

Image Settings

FlyingPress optimizes website images, a critical factor in improving loading speed and user experience. With photos making up a significant portion of a page’s weight, FlyingPress ensures that they are compressed and resized effectively, minimizing load times without compromising the overall user experience.

By implementing advanced image compression techniques, FlyingPress reduces the file size of images, allowing them to load faster on your WordPress website. This optimization process significantly contributes to a smoother and more responsive browsing experience for your visitors.

Lazy Load Images

One of the essential image optimization options in FlyingPress is the ‘Lazy Load Images‘ feature. This option allows you to optimize your website’s images for improved loading speed and user experience.

With ‘Lazy Load Images’ activated, FlyingPress ensures that all images on your website are loaded only when the user scrolls to them. This approach prevents unnecessary image loading when not immediately visible, significantly reducing the initial page load time.

FlyingPress automatically lazy loads background images that are inlined in the HTML. However, for background images placed within CSS classes or separate CSS files, FlyingPress provides a helper CSS class called “lazy-bg.” By adding this class to the div containing the background image, you can ensure that background images are also lazily loaded.

Preload Critical Images

By enabling the ‘Preload Critical Images’ option, FlyingPress allows users to load the most important images on the website first. This optimization ensures that crucial visual elements are prioritized and loaded promptly, enhancing the overall user experience and reducing the initial page load time.

Lazy Load Video

To improve the loading speed of your WordPress site, the ‘Lazy Load Video’ option should be enabled in FlyingPress. Videos typically require more server requests compared to other website components. By activating this feature, FlyingPress optimizes video loading by loading videos only when they are about to be viewed, resulting in faster page rendering.

Lazy Load iFrame

For websites that embed iFrames from other websites, such as YouTube videos, Google Maps, or Twitter posts, the ‘Lazy Load iFrame’ option in FlyingPress is essential. By enabling this feature, iFrames located below the above-fold page section will load only near the viewport, reducing unnecessary initial loading time.

Database Cleaner

FlyingPress includes a built-in feature to help users clean their website’s database effectively. With the ‘Database Cleaner’ option, you can optimize your website’s database without needing third-party plugins, simplifying the optimization process. This feature efficiently manages posts created, deleted, or saved in the trash folder, ensuring a streamlined and optimized database for your WordPress site.

FlyingPress Pricing

FlyingPress offers four pricing plans, each catering to different user needs:

  1. Personal Plan: Priced at $60 for one year, this plan allows you to use the FlyingPress plugin on one WordPress site. The annual renewal cost for this plan is $42.
  2. Developer Plan: Priced at $150 for one year, the Developer Plan grants you the ability to use the FlyingPress plugin on five WordPress sites. The annual renewal cost for this plan is $105.
  3. Professional Plan: For $250 per year, the Professional Plan offers the usage of the FlyingPress plugin on fifty WordPress sites. The annual renewal cost for this plan is $175.
  4. Agency Plan: Priced at $500 for one year, the Agency Plan allows you to use the FlyingPress plugin on five hundred WordPress sites. The annual renewal cost for this plan is $350.

For users managing more than 500 WordPress sites, FlyingPress offers the option to discuss a custom offer with the developer.

Customer Support

FlyingPress provides robust support options to ensure users have a smooth experience with the plugin:

  1. Facebook Group: Users can join the FlyingPress Facebook group, where they can interact with other users, share experiences, and seek assistance from the community. This platform offers a space for discussions, questions, and solutions related to FlyingPress and WordPress speed optimization.
  2. Support Form: For personalized support, users can submit support tickets through the support form on the FlyingPress website. When submitting a support ticket, users can expect prompt assistance.
  3. Support Documentation: FlyingPress offers comprehensive support documentation that covers various topics related to hosting, caching, and troubleshooting hosting-related problems. The documentation provides detailed guidance on using the plugin effectively and maximizing its benefits for WordPress speed optimization.

FlyingPress Alternatives

While FlyingPress is a powerful WordPress speed optimization plugin, several alternatives in the market offer similar features and functionalities. Some popular FlyingPress alternatives include:

FlyingPress: Pros & Cons

Let’s review the advantages and disadvantages of FlyingPress.

FlyingPress Pros

  1. Effective Performance Improvement: FlyingPress significantly boosts site speed and enhances performance under heavy load, making it a top choice for website optimization.
  2. All-in-One Feature Set: It is a comprehensive tool for site speed enhancement, especially when combined with FlyingCDN.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: Despite its advanced optimization capabilities, FlyingPress maintains a simple and intuitive interface.
  4. Well-Documented with Support: Features are thoroughly documented, and the plugin offers reliable human support.

FlyingPress Cons

  1. Costly for Multiple Sites: While competitively priced for up to three licenses, FlyingPress becomes more expensive for agencies than its alternatives.
  2. Lacks Built-In Image Optimization: Without FlyingCDN, users need a separate plugin for image resizing and compression, as FlyingPress doesn’t include these features natively.

Wrap Up: FlyingPress Review 2024

FlyingPress is a top-tier speed optimization plugin that can significantly enhance your WordPress site’s performance, ensuring visitors’ faster, more efficient, and enjoyable browsing experience. Whether you choose FlyingPress or any of its alternatives, optimizing your website’s speed is critical to achieving online success and delivering the best possible user experience.

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Frequently Asked Questions About FlyingPress Plugin

How does FlyingPress impact Core Web Vitals?

FlyingPress positively influences Core Web Vitals, notably improving metrics like Largest Contentful Paint and Cumulative Layout Shift through its CSS and JavaScript optimization tools.

Can FlyingPress replace a caching plugin?

Yes, FlyingPress includes a page caching feature, eliminating the need for a separate plugin.

Availability of a free version of FlyingPress?

A free version of FlyingPress is not available. However, the developer offers several complimentary performance plugins on, which can aid in site optimization.

Are there renewal discounts with FlyingPress?

FlyingPress provides a 30% discount on license renewals, offering a cost-effective solution for long-term users.

Is there a money-back policy with FlyingPress?

Yes, FlyingPress offers a 14-day money-back guarantee across all its plans, ensuring a risk-free trial for new users.

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