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Best White Label WordPress Management Services for Agencies

White Label WordPress Management

Are you tired of juggling WordPress development and managing it for your agency’s clients? As digital businesses grow, so does the need for smooth WordPress operations. White label WordPress management services offer agencies a way to outsource these tasks under their own brand. The list of services in thai article will show you the top options to keep your clients’ sites running smoothly.

We picked the best services based on:

  • How reliable and secure they are, and if they can grow with your agency
  • Their customization options and quality of customer support

We have ensured that the services listed, offer great uptime, strong security, and fair prices. See for yourself which ones let you easily brand their work as your own, and which provide the best support when needed.

Top White Label WordPress Management Services

​​Discover the leading white label WordPress management services that empower businesses and agencies to deliver exceptional website performance and WordPress maintenance without the hassle.

Seahawk: #1 White Label WordPress Management for Agencies

White Label WordPress Management

Seahawk offers exceptional white label WordPress services designed to empower digital agencies. From WordPress development and custom website design to WooCommerce development and ongoing maintenance, Seahawk’s comprehensive solutions enable agencies to deliver top-tier WordPress services to their clients seamlessly.

Why Choose Seahawk as Your Agency White Label Partner?

Expertise and Experience: With a team of skilled professionals, Seahawk delivers high-quality WordPress solutions tailored to agency needs.

Comprehensive Services: From development to SEO, Seahawk offers a full spectrum of white label services.

Scalability and Flexibility: Adaptable services for agencies of all sizes, whether for one-time projects or ongoing support.

Confidentiality and Branding: Ensures all projects are branded under your agency, maintaining client relationships and confidentiality.

Priority Support: Dedicated WordPress support channels and proactive assistance for seamless project execution.

Key White Label Services:

WordPress Development

  • Expert WordPress Development: Tailored to your clients’ needs.
  • API-powered Sites: Feature-rich and enhanced functionality.

Custom WordPress Web Design

  • Modern, Responsive Designs: Aligned with the latest trends.
  • Tailored Solutions: Meeting specific client requirements.

WordPress Maintenance and Support

  • Reliable Maintenance: Ensures websites run smoothly.
  • Regular Updates: Includes SLA contract options.

Site Optimization

E-commerce Development

  • Custom WooCommerce Development: Maximizes ROI.
  • Smart Plugins and Features: Customizable to meet client needs.

Website Migration and Rebuild Services

  • Seamless Migration: To WordPress without downtime.
  • Website Rebuilds: For modern functionality and aesthetics.

SEO and Content Writing


Our competitive and flexible pricing is designed to suit agencies of all sizes. For detailed pricing tailored to your specific needs, quotes are available on request.

Finding White Labeling Convenient for Your Client Accounts?

It can be our secret! Get expert wordPress engineers to work on your most premium projects and to your clients’ satisfaction, all under your brand name!

WP Site Plan

Best White Label WordPress Management Services for Agencies

WP Site Plan makes a mark for WordPress performance management, specifically designed for digital agencies. They monitor sites for downtime and optimize databases to keep websites running smoothly. The white label WordPress management team stays up-to-date with the latest security developments, implementing them across all plans.

Key Benefits:

  • Quick turnaround times, with an average of 8 hours for all tickets
  • Core, theme and plugin updates
  • Regular backups with one-click restore options
  • Security measures and firewall protection


  • Fast response times
  • Comprehensive maintenance package
  • Strong focus on security and performance


  • Steep pricing
  • May be overkill for very small agencies or single-site clients

Do You Know? 

WordFence Tutorial: How To Enhance Your Website’s Security?


  • Essentials
  • Professional
  • Enterprise

Thrive WP

Best White Label WordPress Management Services for Agencies

Thrive WP is a professional WordPress management service designed to meet the needs of agencies and freelancers looking to provide top-notch website maintenance for their clients. With over 18 years of experience, Thrive WP specializes in white label maintenance, ensuring that agencies can offer seamless, hassle-free WordPress support under their own brand.

Key Features:

  • White Label Reports: Thrive WP provides detailed weekly or monthly reports branded with your agency’s logo and information, ensuring your clients receive updates directly from you.
  • Comprehensive Maintenance: Services include WordPress backups, theme and core updates, next-level security monitoring, and free staging environments.
  • Flexible Plans: Agencies can choose from various plans tailored to meet their clients’ needs, offering the flexibility to set their own pricing and maintain client relationships.
  • Discounts and Margins: A generous 20% discount for white label customers allows agencies to increase their revenue while providing premium services.


  • Experienced Team: Over 18 years of expertise in WordPress maintenance.
  • Customizable Reports: Branded reports enhance client trust and satisfaction.
  • Cost-Effective: Attractive discounts and no hidden fees increase profitability.
  • Comprehensive Support: Includes regular maintenance, security, and backup services.


  • Point of Contact Requirement: Agencies must act as intermediaries between Thrive WP and their clients.
  • Limited Direct Interaction: Clients cannot contact Thrive WP directly, which may require more involvement from the agency.


  • Basic: £45/month 
  • Standard: £70/month 
  • Premium Care Plan: £45/month

Also Read: How To Build WordPress Maintenance Plan For Clients?

White Label IQ

White Label IQ offers a comprehensive suite of white label services designed to empower agencies to focus on their core strengths while delivering exceptional digital solutions to their clients. With a background rooted in a marketing agency, White Label IQ understands the dynamic needs of agencies and provides specialized skill sets across various domains, including web development, design, and marketing.

Key Benefits:

  • Full Skillset Availability: Access to a diverse team of experts, including coders, designers, ecommerce specialists, AdWords professionals, and SEM gurus, ensuring all your digital needs are covered.
  • Low Cost: Utilize the entire team for the cost of a single designer, with costs decreasing as the partnership grows, making it a cost-effective solution.
  • 24/7 Support: The team operates around the clock, ensuring continuous project engagement and support even during off-hours and vacations.
  • Experienced Background: With centuries of collective experience, White Label IQ guarantees reliable, high-quality work that builds trust with your clients.
  • American-Based Account Team: Direct coordination with U.S.-based Account Executives for seamless communication and project management.


  • Comprehensive Service Range: From web development to marketing, design, and hosting, White Label IQ offers a full spectrum of digital services.
  • Cost-Effective: Provides significant cost savings by leveraging a full team of experts for the price of one designer.
  • Continuous Support: 24/7 availability ensures that projects are always moving forward, even outside typical business hours.
  • High Expertise: Extensive experience across various digital disciplines guarantees top-notch service quality.


  • Dependency on External Team: Agencies must rely on White Label IQ’s team for execution, which may require additional coordination and oversight.
  • Communication Layers: Interaction is primarily through U.S.-based Account Executives, which might add an extra layer to the communication process.


White label wordpress management services for agencies quoted on request. 

Also Read: How a WordPress Support Agency Can Help Your Business Thrive

Labs Media

LabsMedia, a dedicated division of Space-O Technologies, specializes in providing tailored white label solutions for digital agencies in the USA and Canada. By offering comprehensive, reliable, and flexible services, LabsMedia empowers agencies to thrive in the competitive digital landscape.

Key Features:

  • Unparalleled Expertise: With a team of over 200 skilled professionals, including UI/UX designers, front-end and back-end developers, WordPress and Shopify experts, project managers, SEO specialists, and content writers, LabsMedia brings a wealth of expertise to the table. 
  • Flexibility and Scalability: LabsMedia offers flexible subscription-based plans with no contracts, allowing agencies to scale support up or down based on workload demands. Whether you need assistance with 20 tasks or more during peak times, LabsMedia can accommodate your needs seamlessly.
  • Comprehensive Services: The white label services cover a wide array of digital solutions, including website design and development, content creation, SEO enhancements, and more. They serve as a one-stop destination for all digital needs.
  • Transparent Pricing: The company believes in transparency, offering a detailed price list with a range of options to suit different budgets.


  • Extensive Expertise: Access to a team of over 200 professionals with diverse digital skills.
  • Flexible Plans: Subscription-based plans with no long-term contracts allow for easy scaling.
  • Wide Range of Services: Comprehensive digital solutions, from design to SEO and content creation.
  • Transparent Pricing: Clear and detailed pricing options for various budgets.
  • Reliability: A decade of experience and a commitment to quality and timely delivery.


  • Dependency on External Team: Agencies need to rely on LabsMedia’s team for execution, which may require additional coordination.
  • Limited Direct Interaction: Clients primarily interact with LabsMedia through the agency, potentially adding layers to communication.


  • Pixel Package
  • Campaign Package
  • Viral Package

Read More: 8 Most Effective Ways To Generate Leads For Digital Agencies

Manage WP

ManageWP offers a powerful WordPress website management dashboard designed to streamline and automate tasks for agencies. From maintenance and security to client reporting and collaboration, ManageWP simplifies website management, saving agencies valuable time and effort.

Key Features:

  • Automated Maintenance: Streamline daily tasks with one-click logins and bulk updates across all managed websites, ensuring sites are always up-to-date.
  • Robust Security Measures: Protect client data with reliable backups and regular security checks, maintaining website integrity.
  • Comprehensive Monitoring: Monitor website performance with tools like Uptime Monitor, SEO analysis, and Google Analytics integration to stay informed and proactive.
  • Efficient Collaboration: Facilitate seamless teamwork with the collaborate tool, allowing easy switching between accounts for teams and clients.
  • Client Care Enhancement: Elevate client care with detailed Client Reports and a White Label tool that reinforces agency branding without revealing backend management tools.
  • Performance Optimization: Improve website speed and performance with Performance Check tools, optimizing user experience and website rankings.


  • Automation: Saves time by automating routine tasks like updates and backups.
  • Security: Ensures client websites are protected with robust backup and security features.
  • Monitoring: Provides real-time monitoring and analytics to keep websites running smoothly.
  • Collaboration: Simplifies team and client collaboration with intuitive tools.
  • White Labeling: Enhances agency branding by customizing and hiding management tools from clients.


  • Dependency on Tools: Agencies rely on ManageWP’s platform for management tasks, which may limit flexibility.
  • Learning Curve: Initial setup and customization may require familiarization with ManageWP’s interface and features.


  • Per website: Free on unlimited websites

Read More: How to White-Label WordPress Using Plugins, Service Providers & Hosting?


GoWP offers a compelling solution for agencies looking to streamline operations and boost profitability through white label WordPress management. By partnering with GoWP, agencies can leverage a dedicated team of experts, expand service offerings, and enhance client satisfaction without the complexities of managing in-house resources.

Key Benefits:

  • Expand Your Team: Access a pool of dedicated developers and experts to scale your team as needed without the cost and complexity of hiring full-time staff.
  • Comprehensive Outsourcing: Outsource essential services such as website maintenance, support, and development to focus on core business activities and client relationships.
  • Community and Training: Join a supportive community of agencies and benefit from expert training and resources to enhance your skills and operational efficiency.
  • Quick Setup: Get started within 24 hours with a straightforward onboarding process, including a personalized consultation to understand your agency’s needs and goals.


  • Scalability: Easily scale your agency’s services with access to dedicated developers and flexible outsourcing options.
  • Focus on Core Activities: Free up time to focus on client relationships and business growth by delegating routine tasks to GoWP.
  • Community Support: Benefit from a supportive community and ongoing training to stay ahead in the competitive digital landscape.
  • Quick Onboarding: Get up and running swiftly with a streamlined setup process and personalized guidance.


  • Dependency on Outsourcing: Agencies rely on GoWP’s services for essential operations, which may require seamless collaboration and communication.
  • Cost Considerations: Pricing structure and scalability options may vary, requiring agencies to evaluate costs against benefits.


  • White label Maintenance
    Monthly per site
  • White label Content Edits
    Monthly per site
  • White label Landing Page Builds

Read More: Top 12 Benefits of Outsourcing WordPress for 2024 (and Top Agencies)

Final Thoughts: Tips to Maximize the Benefits of White Label WordPress Management Services

Want to make the most of your white label WordPress service? Let’s talk about how to do that. These services can be a game-changer for your agency, but only if you use them right.

First off, pick a service that fits your agency like a glove. Are you a small team looking to grow? Or a big agency needing extra support? Your choice should match your needs and where you want to go.

Next, talk to your white label partner. A lot. They need to know what your clients want and expect. The more they know, the better they can help you shine.

Don’t forget about branding. Use all the white label options you can. It’s your chance to make the service look and feel like it’s 100% yours. Your clients will never know the difference.

Here are some more quick tips to help you out:

  • Check in on how the service is doing regularly. Is it still giving you good value?
  • Use your free time wisely. Build stronger relationships with your clients.
  • Keep an eye on what’s new in WordPress. It’ll help you stay ahead of the game.

Remember, these services are tools. Really good tools. But it’s up to you to use them well. Find the right partner, and you’ll be able to offer top-notch service without breaking a sweat. Your clients get great results, and you get to focus on growing your business. It’s a win-win.

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