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What Is DreamPress?

Written By: author image Komal Bothra
author image Komal Bothra

The only thing more important than building an awesome website is building a website your visitors trust. DreamHost can help your WordPress site unlock excellence by making sure it’s fast, secure, and always up. Enter DreamPress, a match made in heaven.

Quality Managed WordPress Hosting

DreamPress is managed WordPress hosting with DreamHost. Different elements of DreamHost’s existing technology are tied together to create a web hosting service experience tailored specifically to the needs of your WordPress site – no matter how big or small.

Here are some of our favorite reasons to choose DreamPress:

Backup & Restore
With backups available both on-demand and automated daily, as well as a simple “restore” option, users can confidently make changes and test new features, knowing a recent backup is one click away.

Built-in Caching
DreamPress offers advanced caching technology with all plans, which ensures faster loading times, more stable and efficient servers, and ultimately drives more traffic to your site.

One-Click Staging
Users can easily try out new features before rolling them out and see how they look on sandbox staging sites. If they’re good enough to publish, implementing the changes on the live website intelligently is just one click away.

DreamPress Plans

Users choose between three scalable plans, designed to support both single and multiple sites. The options include:

  1. DreamPress Basic – for smaller sites with ~100k monthly visitors
  2. DreamPress Plus – for business or blog sites with ~300k monthly visitors
  3. DreamPress Pro – for sites demanding extreme performance & with ~1M monthly visitors

No matter what your needs are, all DreamPress users enjoy features like unmetered bandwidth, 24/7 WordPress support, and an unlimited content delivery network.

Free Migration Service

DreamPress also includes a free pro migration service with the purchase of all plans, making it easier than ever to make the switch from your old hosting provider to DreamHost.


WordPress now powers almost a third of the content currently on the internet, and there exist a number of offerings designed to help you optimize your experience. Seahawk recommends using DreamPress to manage your WordPress site, because it allows you to effectively utilize all the WordPress features you know and love by pairing them with a hosting site you can trust.

Whether your business is scaling and your site’s needs are changing, or you’re simply looking to deliver a top quality visitor experience, unlock excellence and take your site to the next level with DreamPress.

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