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Secure Sockets Layer

Written By: author image Komal Bothra
author image Komal Bothra

Establishing a trustworthy atmosphere within which prospective buyers may shop with complete self-assurance is one of the essential aspects of doing business online. By facilitating the creation of a dedicated link, SSL certificates contribute to developing a solid foundation of faith. Browsers give specific visual signals that we call EV indicators to persuade visitors that their connection is safe. These indications may take the form of anything from a green padlock to a branded URL bar.

What is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)?

SSL, or Secure Sockets Layer, is a standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a server and a client. This link is typically found between a web server (website) and a browser or between a mail server and a mail client. Netscape Communications Corporation developed SSL in 1994. It has a more significant public recognition than TLS, which stands for Transport Layer Security and is the technology that succeeded SSL.

Why is it necessary to use SSL/TLS?

Initially, information on the World Wide Web was sent in plaintext, meaning anybody could read it if they managed to intercept the communication. For instance, if a customer went online shopping, made an order, and entered their credit card information on the website, the customer’s credit card number would be sent unencrypted over the internet.

SSL was developed to address this issue and ensure user data confidentiality. SSL guarantees that anybody who intercepts the data sent between a user and a web server may only see a jumbled mass of characters by encrypting all of the data sent between the user and the web server. The customer’s credit card number is now secure and is only accessible to the online purchasing website where it was input by the customer.

SSL prevents some types of cyberattacks as well. For example, it verifies the identity of web servers, which is essential given that cybercriminals often attempt to deceive people by creating fake websites and stealing their data. Additionally, it stops potential attackers from tampering with data while it is in transit, just way a tamper-proof seal would prevent someone from opening a medication bottle.

Is there a difference between SSL and TLS?

SSL is the protocol that directly preceded a different protocol known as TLS (Transport Layer Security). The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) first suggested an upgrade to SSL in 1999. TLS was chosen as the new name for this upgrade since it was being developed by the IETF rather than Netscape, which was no longer engaged in its creation. The final version of SSL, version 3.0, and the initial version of TLS, version 1.0, is not drastically different; the name change was implemented to signal the change in ownership.

Because of their close relationship, the two words are often mistaken and used interchangeably. Because SSL still has a lot of name recognition, some people still refer to TLS, while others use the phrase “SSL/TLS encryption.” Both of these terms are used to refer to the same thing.

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