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Voice Search Optimization: Strategies That Can Help In The Long Run

Voice Search Optimization- Strategies That Can Help In The Long Run

“Hey Siri, I want to know the best SEO strategies”

“Hello Alexa, best pizza near me?”

“OK Google, give me some weekend outfit ideas”

Haven’t we all witnessed the change from text searches to voice searches?

Voice search may have started as a small concept in the year 2018, but it is one of the most important topics in the search industry. People all over the world are hustling and are looking for convenience in every aspect of their lives. The ease to search with voice is second to none, and people are not getting over it for a long time.

The concept of voice search started with smartphones and then escalated through smart speakers and voice assistants worldwide. Today if we look closely, voice search can be termed as a revolution, as it is feasible for every generation.

With the nearly quantum rise in voice search that is forecasted, businesses must start creating content that is optimized for voice search. Otherwise, it will be difficult to gain any organic traffic in the coming years. While considering the tough road ahead, it’s high time we get in with the fierce competition.

By the end of this article, we will try to make you understand the concept of voice search and how to optimize your content accordingly.

But before discussing the strategies to optimize your content, let’s get to know the answers to some basic questions.

Voice Engine Optimization (VEO) is Chat meter’s trademarked term for voice-based search engine optimization. It revolves around optimizing your content, business location details, and brand details to increase your chances of ranking through voice search results. If you still think it’s too early to optimize your content for voice search, then my friend in a year you’ll lag behind and your 1% remaining chance to rank would be lost. VEO is just like SEO but with more competition, so you can judge how hard it is to get to the top! In VEO if you are not first in the league, then you are surely at the last.

Why is Voice Search getting bigger?

Imagine you are driving alone and wish to know if there is some good Italian restaurant nearby, you would use your voice assistant on your phone and ask for “best Italian restaurant near me”. There can be dozens of such situations with us every day. But if we specifically talk about why voice search is such a big hit then answers are pretty clear:

  • Voice searches are much more convenient and show faster results.
  • Voice search is more apt for mobile devices and is on-the-go with us.
  • People would any day choose voice searching rather than typing the whole sentence out.

How is Voice Search different from Traditional Search?

Typing a question is so much different than fetching the answer by asking the question from the device. Here’s why:

  • Voice search keywords are longer and are much more conversational because when we search through keywords, we type very specific words, like ‘Chocolate cake recipe’ but if we do a voice search, we would ask ‘Alexa, how do I make a chocolate cake at home?’ If you observe, the same keyword is used in both, just the length differs.
  • Local listing plays a crucial part in ranking. Maximum voice searches have a common keyword attached to them, ‘near me’. People mostly use voice search on-the-go so the location places a significant role.
  • Voice Search results are to the point and prompt, we don’t need to scroll through the page to see which is the best. The Voice assistant either reads out the result for you or displays snippets as the result.

How to create a Voice Engine Optimization strategy?

Here are a few steps that will help you optimize your voice search strategy:

#1 Content Optimization

More than fifty percent of people who use voice assistant or voice search say it feels like you are talking to a real person instead of a bot. These voice assistants are built in such a way that we don’t think them as computer bots, therefore our way of conducting voice search also differs. People don’t just search with specific keywords, they ask questions.

Optimize your content with a major focus on long-tail keyword phrases that are used in conversations. Make sure you use natural language questions that your audience is most likely to ask.

#2 Your Content needs to Provide Answers

About 40.8 % of the voice search results come from featured snippets. So when you are optimizing your featured snippets, you are likewise doing it for voice search.

Here are a few tips that might help:

  • Keep your content fresh, keep updating your content depending on the changing trends.
  • Add FAQs to your pages, even the product pages. Questions drive conversions and result in snippets so keep the reading level medium.
  • Always remember to use marked-up language. The entire question needs to be marked properly within <h2> headers.
  • Create questions related to your product and services that will drive conversions.
  • Answer any existing questions on your Google My Business Page.

#3 Optimize your Business Listings

Like we discussed earlier, location plays a very crucial role. People generally use voice search on the go and are looking for places that are near their location. It’s important to keep your business listings clean and clear and all your data as well, including name, address, and phone (NAP) which needs to be consistent.

Many businesses lose their ranking due to missing or inaccurate information about the business. Don’t let that happen to you!

#4 Speed Optimization of the Website

Voice search users are looking for immediate results and they are mainly mobile device users. Therefore, optimizing your website speed for mobile devices will enable better search rankings. The time it takes to load the average mobile landing page is 15 seconds, the best should’ve been under 3 seconds.

#5 Test your Strategy

As your content for voice search is fairly new, there would be a lot of scope for improvement. Therefore, it’s always better to test your strategy once. Here are a few ways:

  • Test different devices like mobiles, smart speakers, voice assistants of every brand, etc.
  • Conduct an analysis of your analytics results to see from where and how are users obtaining results, are they mainly using mobile devices or laptops.
  • Check where are you ranking for common questions, based on locations.

Summing Up

With each passing year, voice search is growing tremendously. Consumer behavior is constantly changing and technology is continuously upgrading. At one point we could have never imagined that we could actually talk to a bot and it would just feel like human interaction. Big tech giants have already made a leap and have an edge over others, but small businesses can still catch up.

Optimize your SEO and VEO in such a way that your organic growth sets up apart from your competitors. The above-listed strategies will help you rank better for voice search and get positive results. For more details, connect with us to get a tailor-made strategy in place!

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