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Best Unlimited WordPress Development Service Providers

Best Unlimited WordPress Development Service Providers

Need endless WordPress tweaks without the endless bills? A partnership with an unlimited WordPress development service might be the answer for you. These are monthly subscriptions that let you ask for all the site updates you want – no extra charges. Think of it as your personal WordPress handyman on call 24/7.

What do you get? Usually, unlimited WordPress development covers everything from sprucing up your theme to setting up plugins. They’ll squash bugs, shore up security, and tune your site’s performance with WordPress speed optimization. It’s all the tech support you need, wrapped up in one simple package.

In this article, we will give you our top picks for unlimited WordPress development service providers. Jump right in. 

Top Providers for Unlimited WordPress Development

Need your WordPress site to stay updated and secure without lifting a finger? Look no further. Unlimited WordPress development services are here to make your life easier. Whether it’s tweaks, performance boosts, or security fixes, these providers have got you covered.


WP Tasks

From minor adjustments to major enhancements, WPTasks offers unlimited support hours for all your WordPress development needs. Whether it’s a new feature implementation, bug fixes, or customizations, their team is here to help you achieve your website goals without limitations.

Key Services

  • WordPress Builds: From design to functionality, their team is ready to assist in building your dream WordPress website.
  • Task Assistance: Got a specific task in mind? They’re here to tackle individual tasks, ensuring your website meets your unique requirements.
  • Tweaks and Adjustments: Need to make small adjustments to your website’s appearance? Their experts will help meet all your requirements.
  • Fixing Issues: Running into technical glitches or bugs? Count on them to troubleshoot and fix any issues on your WordPress site.
  • General WordPress Support: Security is paramount. They take proactive measures to prevent hacking and are there to recover your site.
  • Custom Development: Looking for a unique feature or functionality? Their team can provide custom development services tailored to your specific needs.


  • Starter: $749 monthly – 1-2 hours daily
  • Care: $1499 monthly – 3-4 hours daily
  • Business: $2999 monthly – 6-8 hours daily

All plans include unlimited WordPress tasks, new site builds, and support for unlimited sites.


  • Unlimited Support: No hourly rates or unexpected costs.
  • Versatility: Handles everything from minor tweaks to major fixes.
  • Recurring Model: Convenient subscription for continuous support.
  • Fast and Reliable: Swift turnaround times.
  • Affordable: Straightforward, budget-friendly pricing.

Read More: Best Sites to Hire WordPress Developers & Designers 

Need a One-stop Shop for All Your WordPress Tasks?

Head straight to WPTasks! The technically sound and creatively profound developers here resolve the most nagging site problems, all covered under a fully transparent, ow-price policy!

WPBeginner Pro Services

WP Beginner

WPBeginner is a top-tier service provider for WordPress tasks, offering a comprehensive suite of services to help clients build, maintain, and optimize their websites. With a range of packages and a commitment to quality, it stands out as a reliable partner for all your WordPress needs.

Key Services

WPBeginner offers a range of services to cater to all WordPress needs:

  • Website Design and Development: Create beautiful, professionally branded WordPress sites.
  • Maintenance: Handle all technical aspects, including updates, backups, and security checks.
  • SEO Services: Enhance search traffic, rankings, and revenue with expert optimization.
  • Security: Fix hacked sites, remove malicious code, and implement proactive security measures.
  • Speed Optimization: Improve site performance for faster load times and better user experience.


WPBeginner provides various packages to suit different needs and budgets:

  • Rebuild Your Site – $599: Includes up to 5 pages, WordPress setup, AI-generated copy, contact forms, responsive design, SEO, speed optimization, analytics setup, training session, brand style guide, WordPress maintenance trial, and a dedicated project manager. Estimated turnaround: 14 days.
  • Quick Site Launch – $799: Features a WordPress template with up to 5 subpages, WordPress setup, AI-generated copy, contact forms, responsive design, SEO, speed optimization, analytics setup, training session, brand style guide, WordPress maintenance trial, and a dedicated project manager. Estimated turnaround: 7 days.
  • Custom Web Design – $1,299: Offers a bespoke homepage design with up to 5 subpages, WordPress setup, AI-generated copy, contact forms, responsive design, SEO, speed optimization, analytics setup, training session, brand style guide, WordPress maintenance trial, and a dedicated project manager. Estimated turnaround: 30 days.
  • eCommerce Site – $1,398: Ideal for eCommerce merchants, includes a bespoke homepage design, WooCommerce setup, up to 3 pages, WordPress development, responsive website, blog setup, brand style guide, AIOSEO plugin setup, WordPress maintenance trial, and a dedicated project manager. Estimated turnaround varies.


  • Extensive Experience: Over 15 years of experience in WordPress, helping over 100,000 users.
  • Custom-Tailored Services: Services are customized based on individual needs.
  • Comprehensive Support: Reliable customer support that goes above and beyond.
  • Variety of Packages: Multiple packages to suit different budgets and requirements.
  • High-Quality Design: Professional and responsive design services.


  • Cost: Higher-end packages might be expensive for small businesses or individuals on a tight budget.
  • Turnaround Time: Custom web design and eCommerce site packages have longer turnaround times.

Keep Reading: Your Go-To Guide for Hiring Dedicated WordPress Developers 

DreamHost Pro Services


DreamHost is a trusted service provider offering unlimited WordPress development tasks. With over 20 years of experience powering millions of websites, DreamHost delivers professional, comprehensive services to help you achieve your online goals.

Key Services

  • Web Design & Branding: Craft professional logos, corporate branding, and unique custom websites.
  • Site Management: Offload backend tasks to focus more on your core business activities.
  • Web Development: On-demand or monthly retainer services for any development needs.
  • Web Marketing: SEO, social media management, and other marketing services to increase your site’s visibility.
  • Training: One-on-one sessions with experts to answer your questions and provide personalized instruction.


  • DreamCare™
    • Starting at $59/month
    • 24/7 uptime monitoring
    • Managed software updates
    • Monthly site reports
    • Monthly security reviews
    • DreamShield protection
    • Optional proactive response SLA


  • Extensive Experience: Over 20 years in the industry with millions of websites powered.
  • Affordable Pricing: Accessible services without breaking the bank.
  • Comprehensive Services: From web design to marketing, DreamHost covers all aspects of website development and maintenance.
  • 24/7 Support: Reliable, around-the-clock assistance.
  • Customization: Tailored solutions to meet specific business needs.


  • Complex Needs: May be overwhelming for smaller projects or those with limited technical knowledge.
  • Service Availability: Some services may require additional fees or packages.

Keep Reading: Hiring WooCommerce Developers: The Ultimate Guide

WP Tangerine 

WP Tangerine

WP Tangerine offers a comprehensive suite of unlimited WordPress and WooCommerce services. From development and design to optimization and maintenance, WP Tangerine ensures your website is always performing at its best. Trusted by over 3,000 sites and backed by a team of 56 full-time employees, they deliver expert solutions for all your WordPress needs.

Key Services

  • Web Design: Dedicated designers create impressive and professional websites.
  • Development: Unlimited development tasks tailored to your requirements.
  • Graphics: Full digital graphics support, including logos, banners, and more.
  • Fixes: Quick resolution of typos, broken pages, and other issues.
  • Optimization: Enhances site speed, SEO readiness, and overall performance.
  • Changes: Handles updates and changes to keep your site current.
  • New Features: Installs and configures new functionalities as needed.
  • New Site: Complete website overhauls with seamless transitions.
  • Research/Q&A: Provides expert advice and research for optimal WordPress solutions.
  • Emergency Care: Immediate fixes for urgent issues.
  • Maintenance: Regular updates and maintenance to ensure smooth operation.


  • Basic Plan – $197/Monthly
    • Unlimited tasks for up to 3 sites
    • One business day turnaround
    • Up to 1 hour per business day
    • Uptime monitoring
    • Priority emergency care
    • Backups and restorations
  • Pro Plan – $297/Monthly
    • Unlimited tasks for up to 6 sites
    • One business day turnaround
    • Up to 2 hours per business day
    • Uptime monitoring
    • Priority emergency care
    • Website builds and redesigns
    • Free WP Engine hosting for 1 site
  • VIP Plan – $997/Monthly
    • Unlimited tasks for unlimited sites
    • One business day turnaround
    • Up to 4 hours per business day
    • Uptime monitoring
    • Priority emergency care
    • Website builds and redesigns
    • Free WP Engine hosting for 2 sites
    • 1-on-1 phone calls and real-time chat collaboration


  • Unlimited Tasks: No restrictions on the number of tasks submitted.
  • Fast Turnaround: Tasks completed within one business day.
  • Dedicated Team: Each client gets a dedicated developer, designer, client manager, and QA specialist.
  • Comprehensive Services: Covers all aspects of WordPress development, design, and maintenance.
  • Emergency Care: Priority handling of urgent issues.
  • Money-Back Guarantee: 30-day satisfaction guarantee.


  • Cost: Higher price points may be a barrier for smaller businesses.
  • Limited Business Hours: Work is primarily done during US business hours, which might affect international clients.

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WP Runner specializes in delivering unlimited WordPress support to help businesses maintain, optimize, and grow their online presence. Known for their affordability and efficiency, WP Runner is trusted by hundreds of small businesses to keep their websites running smoothly and effectively.

Key Services

  • Fix Your Broken Website: Ensures your website is always up and running, providing a seamless experience for visitors.
  • Increase Your Conversions: Enhances user experience and on-page SEO to maximize customer engagement and conversion rates.
  • Make Your Website Faster: Optimizes website speed, delivery, and security to prevent revenue loss due to slow performance.
  • Add New Website Content: Keeps your site updated with fresh content, helping you stay relevant in your industry.
  • Redesign Your Website: Implements practical design improvements that enhance functionality and profitability.
  • Optimize Your eCommerce: Sets up and optimizes WooCommerce stores for secure and efficient online selling.


  • Unlimited Website Support – $119/Monthly
    • Unlimited website tasks
    • Quick onboarding process
    • 7-day risk-free trial
    • Most tasks completed within 24 hours
    • Detailed notes provided upon task completion


  • Affordable Pricing: Unlimited unlimited WordPress development and support at a competitive monthly rate.
  • Quick Turnaround: Most tasks are completed within 24 hours.
  • Comprehensive Support: Covers a wide range of website needs, from fixes to content updates and SEO optimization.
  • Risk-Free Trial: A 7-day trial period allows clients to evaluate the service before committing.
  • Detailed Task Notes: Clear communication and documentation of completed tasks.


  • Limited Customization: The unlimited WordPress development service might be less suitable for highly complex or customized website needs.
  • Potential Overload: High demand could potentially affect turnaround times during peak periods.

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Acclaim is a premier service provider for unlimited WordPress development tasks. They offer tailored solutions that cater to various needs, ensuring your website functions seamlessly and efficiently. With a focus on quality and performance, Acclaim helps businesses enhance their online presence through continuous development and support.

Key Services

  • Unlimited Bug Fixing: Address and resolve bugs promptly, whether client-reported or identified through QA testing.
  • Speed & Performance Optimization: Ongoing optimization for faster loading times and improved site performance.
  • 48-hour Turnaround: Quick implementation of changes, with results visible within two business days.
  • Unlimited Content Edits: Regular updates and enhancements to website text, images, and multimedia elements.
  • Monthly Website Audits: Proactive detection and resolution of emerging issues to maintain peak performance.
  • QA Testing & Automation: Regular QA testing and automated testing specific to your website to ensure it remains bug-free.
  • Staging Site: A safe environment to test changes before they go live.
  • Unlimited New Features: Continuous addition of new features and custom functionalities.
  • Hosting & Domain Management: Optimization and management of hosting environments and domain setups.


  • Website Matched to Design Source
    • Starting from $3,500
    • 10 business days turnaround
    • Unlimited WordPress development includes bespoke WordPress theme build, default template page, 404 error page, and QA testing
    • Scores above 90/100 on PageSpeed Insight and GTMetrix
    • 60 days warranty
  • WordPress Marketing Website
    • Starting from $10,000
    • 20 business days turnaround
    • Includes bespoke WordPress theme build, 3 key page templates, 2 archives, and QA testing
    • Scores above 90/100 on PageSpeed Insight and GTMetrix
    • 60 days warranty
  • Jamstack eCommerce WooCommerce Shop
    • Starting from $20,000
    • 40 business days turnaround
    • Includes bespoke WordPress theme, bespoke WooCommerce integration, 3 key page templates, 2 archives, and QA testing
    • Scores above 90/100 on PageSpeed Insight and GTMetrix
    • 60 days warranty


  • Unlimited Services: Unlimited WordPress development offers a wide range of services without limitations.
  • Expertise: Skilled team with extensive experience in WordPress development.
  • Quick Turnaround: Fast implementation of changes and updates.
  • Proactive Maintenance: Regular audits and QA testing to maintain site health.
  • Custom Solutions: Tailored development and support to meet specific needs.


  • Higher Cost: Premium services come with a higher price tag.
  • Complex Packages: May be overwhelming for small businesses or simple projects.

Further Reading: 20+ Fastest WordPress Themes (With PageSpeed Scores)

Parting Thoughts: Criteria for Evaluating Unlimited WordPress Development Providers

Selecting Unlimited WordPress Development Services

Picking the right unlimited WordPress service can feel like a maze. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. What should you look for to make sure you’re getting the best deal? Let’s break it down into four key areas:

  • Skill level: Can they handle the tough stuff in unlimited WordPress development? You want a team that can tackle both simple tweaks and complex custom coding. Ask about their experience with tricky plugins or unique theme customizations.
  • Response time: How fast do they jump on your requests? A quick turnaround can be crucial, especially for urgent fixes. Look for providers who promise (and deliver on) speedy responses.
  • Communication: Do they speak your language? Good providers explain tech issues clearly and keep you updated. You shouldn’t need a computer science degree to understand what they’re doing.
  • Extra perks: What else is in the goodie bag? Some services throw in bonuses like SEO help, security scans, or even content creation. These extras can add serious value.

Learn More: Your Go-To Guide for Hiring Dedicated WordPress Developers

Remember, cheaper isn’t always better in the long run for unlimited WordPress development. Think about your site’s needs now and where you want it to go. Do you just need occasional tune-ups, or are you aiming for major growth?

Take your time to compare. Read reviews, ask for demos, and don’t be shy about quizzing potential providers. The right unlimited WordPress service should feel like gaining a tech-savvy partner, not just another monthly bill. Happy hunting, and may your WordPress site thrive!

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