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How to Profitably Resell White Label Web Design in 2024

Written By: author image Ahana Datta
author image Ahana Datta

Imagine this: A new client approaches you, looking for a website. They have a specific vision in mind, but your in-house team is already swamped with work. Instead of turning them away, you can offer a white-label web design solution. Here’s how it works: You partner with a white-label WordPress development service provider, who handles the heavy lifting of designing and developing the website. You, in turn, can resell this service to your client under your own brand, earning a tidy profit in the process. Resell white-label web design for even more benefits. You can also use this approach to expand your service offerings, reaching new clients and market segments that you may have previously overlooked.

Maybe you have a client who needs an e-commerce website, but your team specializes in static brochure sites. No problem! You can simply white label an e-commerce solution and deliver it to your client, seamlessly integrating it with your existing services. The beauty of white label web design is its flexibility. You can choose to resell the entire package, from design to development, or you can pick and choose specific services that complement your in-house capabilities. In the following article, we’ll explore the different ways you can leverage white label web design to grow your business. 

What Are White Label Web Design Services?

The concept of “white label” refers to products or services that are manufactured by one company but rebranded and sold by another. In the context of web design, white label services allow agencies and businesses to offer WordPress outsourcing with their web design and development needs to a specialized provider, while still maintaining their own branding and client relationships.


A white label web design service like Seahawk can do the following to boost operations for an agency:

  • Handle all the technical aspects of web design and WordPress development, including coding, hosting, and maintenance
  • Provide custom, branded website designs tailored to the agency’s clients
  • Ensure a consistent, high-quality web presence for the agency’s clients
  • Offer a wide range of web design and development services, including e-commerce, responsive design, and content management
  • Seamlessly integrate with the agency’s branding and client-facing operations
  • Free up the agency’s resources to focus on their core business and client relationships
  • Provide scalable solutions to accommodate the agency’s growing client base
  • Offer ongoing WordPress support and updates to keep the agency’s client websites up-to-date
  • Allow the agency to expand their service offerings and stay competitive in the market
  • Deliver cost-effective web design and development solutions without the need for in-house capabilities

Read More: WordPress Website Design: Reasons to Hire a Professional Agency

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The Reselling Process from Start to Finish

Embarking on your journey as a white-label web design reseller requires a solid understanding of the entire reselling process. Let’s explore the key steps involved, from client acquisition to project delivery.

Client Acquisition: The Foundation of Your Business 


Your primary role as a white-label reseller is to find clients in need of web design services. This is the foundation upon which your business will thrive. Start by networking, leveraging your existing connections, and exploring digital marketing avenues. Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram can be powerful tools for reaching potential clients. Additionally, consider placing targeted advertisements in local publications or online directories to increase your visibility.

Did You Know?

How to Build a Successful White Label Partnership?

Proposal and Scoping: Aligning Expectations 

Once you’ve identified a prospective client, it’s time to understand their specific needs, budget, and timeline. This information will be crucial in crafting a winning proposal. Collaborate closely with your white label provider to ensure that the scope of work, pricing, and delivery timeline are realistic and accurately presented to the client. A well-crafted proposal will set the stage for a successful project.

Project Kickoff: Bridging the Gap 

With the client’s approval, it’s time to kick off the project. Your role as the liaison between the client and your white-label partner is crucial. Gather all the necessary information from the client, including brand guidelines, content, and design preferences, and relay this to your provider. Effective communication is key to ensuring a smooth project execution.

Important Reading for Agencies: Non-Disclosure Agreement for White-Labeled Professional Services

Design and Development: Bringing the Vision to Life 

Throughout the design and development phase, you’ll be the face of the project for your client. Provide regular updates, gather feedback, and manage expectations. Your white-label partner will work diligently behind the scenes to bring the website to life. You can also consider collaborating with other specialized agencies to enhance the project’s features and functionality.

Another Interesting Read: Steps to Develop a Profitable Website Creation Business

Revisions and Approval: Iterative Excellence 


The design process is often an iterative one, with the client providing feedback and requesting revisions. Manage this process carefully, balancing the client’s desires with the project’s scope and feasibility. Work closely with your white-label provider to ensure that the final design aligns with the client’s vision and expectations.

Testing and Launch: The Moment of Truth 

Once the design is approved and the development is complete, your white-label partner will thoroughly test the website to ensure everything is functioning correctly. After final approval from you and the client, the website will be launched, marking the successful completion of the project.

Handover and Follow-up: Cementing the Relationship 

The final step is to hand over all necessary credentials and documentation to the client. This is also an excellent opportunity to discuss ongoing maintenance, hosting, or any additional services that can further strengthen your partnership with the client.

More Insights: Client Retention Hacks: Using White-Label WordPress Development to Wow Your Clients

How to Price White Label Design Services

Pricing your white-label web design services is a delicate balancing act. Price too high, and you risk losing potential clients; price too low, and you’ll struggle to make a profit. Let’s explore the key considerations to help you strike the perfect balance.

Understand Your Costs 

The first step in pricing your services is to have a clear understanding of your costs. This includes not only the fees you pay your white-label provider but also your own operational expenses, such as marketing, software subscriptions, and the value of your time. Don’t underestimate the time and effort you invest in managing the client relationship and project.

Also Check: Service Level Agreement: How Does It Affect Your Website?

Know Your Market 

Research your competitors to get a sense of the prevailing market rates for similar web design services. Consider the demographics and pricing expectations of your target clientele. Are you catering to small local businesses or larger corporate entities? This will help you determine the appropriate pricing range.

Read More: How to Offer Premium WordPress Services Without Expanding Your Team?

Value-Based Pricing 


Instead of simply marking up your costs, focus on the value your services bring to your clients. A well-designed website can significantly boost a business’s online presence and lead generation, translating to a tangible return on investment. By highlighting the potential benefits to your clients, you can often justify higher pricing.

Tiered Pricing Packages 

Offer a range of pricing tiers to cater to different budget levels and client needs. For example, you might have a basic package for simple brochure websites, a mid-tier package for more complex sites, and a premium package for e-commerce or custom web applications. This allows you to upsell clients on additional features and services.

Also Read: Successful Strategies for Selling Website Services to Local Businesses

Include Ongoing Services 

Don’t forget to factor in recurring revenue streams, such as website maintenance, hosting, or regular updates. These ongoing services can provide a steady income stream and increase the lifetime value of each client.

Adjust as You Grow 

As you gain more experience and build a strong portfolio of successful projects, don’t hesitate to adjust your pricing. Your expertise and reputation can command higher rates over time, allowing you to maximize your profitability.

Know More: Outsource WordPress Website Design: Ultimate Guide

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Marketing Your White Label Web Design Services

Effective marketing is the lifeblood of any successful white label web design reselling business. To attract clients and grow your operation, you need a well-crafted marketing strategy. Here are some proven tactics to consider:

Your Own Website 

Your website is your most important portfolio piece. Ensure it showcases the quality of your work, highlights your unique value proposition, and makes it easy for potential clients to get in touch. Optimize it for search engines and ensure it looks great on all devices.

Content Marketing 


Start a blog where you share insights into web design trends, tips for improving online presence, and case studies of your successful projects. This not only demonstrates your expertise but also helps with search engine optimization, driving more organic traffic to your site.

Social Media 

Platforms like LinkedIn can be powerful tools for B2B services like web design. Share your blog posts, engage with other professionals in your industry, and showcase your work. Visual platforms like Instagram can be great for sharing snippets of your designs and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your process.


Both online and offline networking can be incredibly valuable. Attend local business events, join professional associations, and participate in online forums related to web design and digital marketing. Building relationships with other professionals can lead to referrals and partnerships.

Referral and Programs 

Many of your satisfied clients will be happy to recommend your services to others, especially if there’s an incentive. Consider setting up a referral program where you offer a bonus or discount for successful referrals.

Email Marketing 


Build an email list and send regular newsletters with useful content, updates about your services, and special offers. This can be an effective way to nurture leads and stay top-of-mind with past clients.

Know More: A Guide to Drip Campaigns – Email Marketing

Paid Advertising 

Google Ads and social media advertising can be powerful for reaching high-intent clients searching for web design services.

Also Read: Top Best Practices to Optimize Your Google Ads Campaign


Explore opportunities to partner with complementary businesses, such as SEO agencies or copywriting services. These partnerships can lead to mutual referrals and allow you to offer more comprehensive services to your clients. Check out the Seahawk Partners Directory to get an idea. 

Conclusion: Common Mistakes to Avoid When Reselling White Label Web Design

As a white label web design reseller, you’ve got to watch out for some common mistakes. One big one is underpricing your services. It might seem like a good way to get clients, but it can really hurt your business in the long run. Remember, you’re not just selling a product – you’re selling your expertise and the value you bring. Don’t sell yourself short.

Another trap to avoid is overpromising. It’s easy to get excited and tell clients you can do way more than you actually can. But that’s a surefire way to let them down. Be honest about what you can deliver within the time and budget. It’s better to under-promise and over-deliver than the other way around.

Don’t forget to educate your clients, too. A lot of them may not know much about web design. Take the time to explain things and help them understand why certain decisions are important. That’ll go a long way in managing their expectations.

And speaking of expectations, make sure your project management is on point. Set clear deadlines, milestones, and communication plans. Staying organized is key to keeping everyone happy.

It’s also critical that you don’t neglect your own marketing. It’s easy to get so focused on client work that you let your own business development slide. But you’ve got to keep that pipeline flowing with new leads.

Finally, be picky about who you work with. Not every client is going to be a good fit. If something feels off, don’t be afraid to say no. Trying to be everything to everyone will only lead to headaches.

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