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A Guide to Drip Campaigns – Email Marketing

Written By: author image Komal Bothra
author image Komal Bothra
A Guide To Drip Campaigns – Email Marketing

Drip! Drip! Drip! That’s the sound of digital marketing gold, making massive noise in the market!

Drip marketing is the most common way to deliver the correct information to the right people at a well-defined schedule. The primary goal is to compose a flawless thread of emails that persuade your targeted audience at the right time. So that they indulge in the appropriate actions such as making a purchase, subscribing to your newsletter, participating in surveys, or referring a friend, and this is precisely where drip marketing makes utmost sense.

To some extent, we all are familiar with this term as deep marketing campaigns are gaining immense popularity, especially among marketers. They seamlessly bridge the gap between the audience and the service providers more personalized and targeted. Today, we are here to provide you an insight into drip marketing.

Before moving any further, let’s briefly understand today’s agenda. Let’s untangle this new trend!

Drip Marketing & its Statistics.
What are the advantages of drip marketing campaigns?
Why use drip marketing campaigns?
How to use it well without harassing your prospect?
What are their limitations?
Where do Drip Campaigns go wrong?
Things to keep in mind when creating a drip template.

Before we dive deeper into today’s plan, it’s essential to start our journey of the drip marketing campaign by learning more about drip marketing.

Firstly, let us understand what exactly drip marketing is.

Drip Marketing

They all refer to the same overarching concept, whether you call it drip marketing, email sequencing, or automated email campaign. It is the process of sending automated emails that nurtures leads until they are ready to be active clients. The drip marketing email sequence can help you boost your leads and provide them with your tailored educational information until they are prepared to become a buyer or seller. Sending scheduled and branded emails will keep your company at the forefront of their minds.

The more you interact with your potential customers, the more they believe and invest in you! According to multiple studies, including a survey run by MarketingSherpa, the companies that focus on drip marketing achieve a 45% higher ROI than those that neglect this vital step.

Stats Speak Louder Than Words: The Success of Drip Campaigns

What are the advantages of drip marketing campaigns?

The primary goal of the drip marketing campaign is to attract potential buyers and turn them into regular customers that further leads to an increase in sales and ultimately promotes brand success.
Below, we have curated a list of significant advantages of drip marketing campaigns that will force you to commit a call to action.

Boost engagement and loyalty

The primary purpose of the drip marketing campaign is to build a community and engage with your prospects to deliver your services better. The continuous thread of emails triggers your potential buyers to indulge in the brand and take actions that work in your favor.
Let’s say someone made a random purchase from your website; it may be hard to understand its use. You can use a drip-email campaign to showcase your product and a guide to get the most out of it. This action of yours will boost engagement and build seamless trust.

Promotes continuous conversation

Staying in touch with your subscribers or buyers keeps your brand on the top of their minds & builds utmost trust that otherwise becomes close to impossible. An email marketing drip campaign serves as an ongoing
conversation between you and your potential customers that enables trust.

Boosts brand awareness

Another primary reason why drip marketing campaigns can take into consideration globally is to boost brand awareness. A series of highly engaging emails keep your brand alive in the market, hence building brand image and promoting brand awareness. It lets the customer get an insight into you, your vision, and your mission through a series of

Re-engage with potential visitors

There are high chances that your contacts may lose interest in your brand or become inactive on the platform with time. The drip campaign ensures to re-build your brand in the customer’s eye through multiple emails that serve the same purpose.

Why use drip marketing campaigns?

For any marketer aiming to build a robust relationship with potential customers, the drip marketing campaign acts as a bright light in the night. Drip marketing boosts sales by turning the potential buyer into actual customers and sticking them throughout the journey.

Another reason why drip marketing is an effective way to boost engagement is that they use customized emails to attract customers for a specific need, which enhances concentration.

How to use it well without harassing your prospect?

Drip campaigns are an effective way to build the interests of your targeted customers through personalized messages at the right time though it can go wrong at some points. These automated emails help you connect with your audience without putting in much effort.

Below, we have curated a combined list of various factors to use the drip campaign well without harassing your prospect. So, let’s have a look at it together!

Start the conversation on the days that matter to them, such as birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions, or other events that promote a purchase.

There may be instances that might trigger your existing audience, making it a point to communicate based on consumer behavior. Some of the drip campaign emails include:
Welcome emails
Product launch
Product recommendations
Newsletter subscription
First purchase automation
Follow up emails to solve queries
Abandoned shopping carts
Lead nurture

What are the limitations of drip marketing campaigns?

Like everything on this planet earth, the drip marketing campaign follows certain limitations that are often overlooked. Let’s take a closer look at all of these!

Time taking process

Like other marketing campaigns, the drip marketing campaign requires a lot of time & investment to ensure desired results. Remember, the emails show up too quickly; the audience may be overloaded with information. On the contrary, they may forget you and your brand’s existence.

Trial and error of the timeline

If you’re stepping into the industry, you are open to commenting on endless mistakes that might become a reason for your downfall. Never let go of the experimental attitude, as all marketing requires some form of trial and error.


One of the significant disadvantages of drip marketing campaigns is that people’s inboxes get spammed with solicited and unsolicited emails.

Where do Drip Campaigns go wrong?

As we know, email marketing is nuanced, and even the minor imperfection could turn away prospects and push them to unsubscribe your email rather than subscribing and staying connected.

Where do people go off the rails? Here are some of the pitfalls that you could avoid to make your drip campaigns stood out!

Terrible Subject Lines

Subject lines are the most crucial part when you send an email to your leads. It is the first thing that your potential leads will see and determine whether to open the email or not. The choice of words is crucial because few words will instantly trigger a spam alert, and your emails will be transferred to the spam or promotion section. So, it’s better to study them before you send emails to your potential leads.

Common Spam Trigger Words to Avoid











Resending content to the duplicate contacts

Repurposing is the best practice of digital marketing to reuse the existing content to expand that content’s reach. But there’s a vast difference when you share your blog on Twitter and send the same email newsletter twice in the same week.

Brands who resend emails to duplicate contacts will have the opposite effect. They will lose the personal touch that drip campaigns tap into and give off vibes that show the brand is uncoordinated, unsophisticated, and not even remotely detail-oriented.

Suppose if a company sent the same materials to you over & over again, then what would you think? Would you like to work with them?

Drip email content should always be unique, enticing, and relevant to keep prospects engaged.

Content Overload

Avoid placing a lot of content into one email. If an email is long, that looks like a blog post or article, and it won’t work well with your target audience.

Nowadays, people look for short and crisp content that reads well and is consumed quickly. Organize your content in a way that makes sense to your potential leads, and then send 2-3 pieces of content per email in your drip campaign.

Things to keep in mind when creating a drip template-

It’s impossible to create customized content for every email you’ll require for every scenario – and also, drip campaigns are supposed to be about efficiency. So, it’s better to be advanced and whip up some templates to the plugin as necessary.

When it comes to handcraft emails for drip campaigns, always keep it short, fresh, to the point, and relevant:

  • Create an attractive subject line. Whether you’re checking in with existing leads, or sending a welcome email to a new subscriber, grab their attention with a clear & attractive subject line. Don’t bore them with unattractive and content-loaded emails.
  • Try to tweak your message as needed & make it as specific as possible while still applying to an extensive list of contacts. 
  • Don’t ask too much too soon: It’s good to include CTAs in your drip campaign content, but always remember that asking too much too soon is not a good idea, and it won’t perform well.

Don’t forget to test and test & then test some more. Always keep your eyes on new opportunities to enhance your email drip campaigns and polish up your content to win more traction.

To nurture leads success leads, drip email campaigns require patience, restraint, and nuance to strike the perfect tone.

Wrap Up

With all you’ve to do in drip marketing campaigns, it indeed opens doors for new opportunities that take your business to the next level.

Are you looking for drip email campaign services? Head to Seahawk Media; we can help!

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