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Case Study InApp: Website Redesign

Written By: author image Komal Bothra
author image Komal Bothra
Case Study InApp: Website Redesign

InApp is a software development company that provides full-cycle software development services to customers worldwide, including SAAS & software vendors and companies looking to harness business innovation with digital transformation and emerging technologies. Looking to develop its online presence and redesign its website, InApp came to Seahawk for help. See the results we were able to achieve for them below!

InApp Old Design


InApp sought a strategic partner to revamp its existing site and increase sales. InApp has decades of experience building cutting-edge software development solutions for various industries. Before reaching out to us, InApp’s online presence was limited to its website. Looking to rebrand, revamp their website, and build a digital marketing strategy, they enlisted our expertise.

At Seahawk, we maintain transparency and value regular collaboration with our esteemed clients. Our team worked with the group at InApp to establish and create a tailored plan that suits their industry and business KPIs. The result? A new modern look, mobile-friendly, responsive site built to address their current and long-term goals.

Revamping InApp’s Digital Presence

Before connecting with Seahawk, InApp faced a distinctive challenge: defining a new digital strategy in a sector that usually lacks a significant online presence. To meet this challenge, our dedicated & experienced team spent a great deal of their time developing a thorough understanding of InApp’s industry and company values.

Initial UI version 1.0

SEO analysis was carried out to review competitors’ strategies and find the best & high-performing keywords for the industry. Wireframes were created by our development team to define the website’s structure and provide the best user experience.

In addition, we developed style tiles to assist the InApp team in selecting a stunning new website layout. Our team also developed personas and customer journeys to help with upcoming campaigns and ongoing targeting. 

Once Seahawk launched InApp’s new and improved website, this allowed our team to create campaigns that would attract their customers and prospects. This included content creation, SEO marketing, and more.

Since InApp’s redesigned website launched, they’ve experienced a significant increase in external engagement. Their brand-new website is cutting-edge, user-friendly, and gives visitors a close-up view of InApp’s company culture and values. Through our continuous efforts and hard work, InApp can watch its digital presence continue to grow!

Visit this Project in figma & InApp’s Website

About Us

Seahawk is a white-label WordPress web & development PRO service marketplace built specifically for small to large agencies, web hosts, and affiliates. We also work directly with small businesses and iconic brands.

We work with clients like DreamHost, Clean Juice, GoDaddy, RetailNext, Nathan Latka, Pete McBride (Nat Geo), IHOP, InApp, and Virat Kohli. Our 100% white-label Hacked Site Repair, Site Speed Optimization, and Web Build services allow you to offer quick turnaround times to your customers. 

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