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What Is JavaScript Blocking?

Written By: author image Komal Bothra
author image Komal Bothra
Hey, I’m Komal. I write content that speaks from the heart and makes WordPress work for you. Let’s make your ideas come alive!

JavaScript can be used to block or delay the loading of other resources on a page, such as images or stylesheets. This can happen if the JavaScript is placed in the <head> of the HTML document or if it is placed inline within the HTML code.

When JavaScript is used to block or delay the loading of other resources, it can impact the page’s performance. The browser may have to wait for the JavaScript to finish downloading and executing before it can render the rest of the page. This can cause delays and make the page appear to load slowly.

There are ways to avoid this issue by deferring or async loading JavaScript files, which we will discuss in more detail later in this article.

The Problems with JavaScript Blocking

When JavaScript is loading, it can “block” other elements from loading. This can cause issues with your website, as users may have to wait for the JavaScript to load before seeing any content.

There are a few ways to avoid this problem:

1. Use the async attribute on your script tags

2. Use inline scripts

3. Use defer on your script tags

4. Minimize the number of external scripts you are using

5. Load JavaScript files dynamically after the page load

Solutions to JavaScript Block

When it comes to JavaScript, there are a few different ways to block it. The most common way is to use a blocking statement. This type of statement blocks the execution of code until the statement is complete. 

Another way to block JavaScript is by using synchronous code. Synchronous code is code that can only be executed one at a time. If you have two pieces of synchronous code, the second piece of code will not be completed until the first piece of code has finished executing.

One way to avoid blocking JavaScript is by using asynchronous code. Asynchronous code can be executed simultaneously, which means it can run in the background while another code is executed. For example, you could use asynchronous code to make an Ajax request while the rest of your code continues to perform.

There are a few other ways to avoid blocking JavaScript, but these are some of the most common solutions. If you’re having trouble with blocking issues in your code, consider using one of these solutions to help improve your overall performance.

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