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Google Penguin Update

The Google ranking algorithm underwent an update in 2012 called “Penguin.” The update’s initial distribution had a significant impact on a lot of websites. Google created the update to combat web spam. The Penguin update is now a component of the Google search engine’s fundamental algorithm. The Penguin algorithm is continuously updated; manual updates are […]

  • SEO,

Google Phantom Update

A covert update to Google’s search algorithm known as the “Phantom Update” mostly harmed knowledge-based websites like eHow, and Quora. Some websites gained rankings while others lost them, causing widespread misunderstanding among web admins because Google initially denied a significant alteration. Sites’ decline in rankings was primarily caused by Google deeming them to be of […]

  • SEO,

What Are The Latest Google Algorithm Updates For 2020?

So far, Google has rolled out two major core updates since the start of 2020. The exciting updates were rolled out in January and May respectively to deliver the most relevant results and best rankings for any Google user. With every update, websites will notice a change in their rankings (especially in the initial days). […]

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