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10 Tips For Growing Your Dribbble Profile

Written By: author image Komal Bothra
author image Komal Bothra


  • Dribbble is a social networking and self-promotion platform where digital designers and creators can gain inspiration, feedback, community, and jobs. Dribbble is your best resource to create portfolios and discover & connect with designers worldwide.
  • Dribbble has grown into a global community with over 1 trillion pixels shared and tens of millions of designers sharing their work & look for design inspiration. 
  • Dribbble is thriving, and it won’t cede the spotlight any time soon.


In this highly competitive market, it’s no secret that growing your audience and social media networks is not a cup of cake. It requires time and effort to grow and build your profile. 

Dribbble plays a significant role in every designer’s life. Whether you are a graphic designer, logo designer, or UX/UI designer, you’ll for sure be inspired by all the creative thinkers and makers of this fantastic community. As we already said, the platform has a massive community of incredibly skilled designers, and that’s why it comes with the challenge, how do you build and grow your profile on Dribbble and get noticed?

To help you grow, we’ve rounded up a list of tips and best practices that will help you build your audience & get your design work noticed. 

Note: All the below-listed tips are authentic and organic. 

So, use these suggestions to grow your profile, get more eyeballs on your work, & better connect with the audience. Let’s jump in! 

Tips and Hacks to Increase Your Visibility on Dribbble

Post Regularly

Posting designs regularly is one of the critical practices that you should consider. The more shots you post, the more you grow. If your per-week post is high, there are high chances of getting your profile noticed by others. 

You can create a content calendar to plan your upcoming shots and stick to it to post regularly. This can be a great way to boost up your Dribbble profile. 

Moreover, if you still don’t have enough polished designs to post, take part in an online design challenge or be a part of some design contests.

Think Carefully About What Time You Post

It is evident that you want your hard-worked design to reach a considerable number of people. Well, for that, you need to select the right time to post your creations. Monday – Thursday from 11 pm to 2 am PST is considered the golden time for Dribbble. Ensure that you reset your Dribbble front page at 9 pm (Pacific time). 

However, if you believe that this time frame won’t work for you, you can set up Google Analytics and track your performance.

Posting designs on Dribbble during this time doesn’t work for most people, but it’s okay! 

Dribbble has a solution for this as it lets you schedule your posts. So, you don’t need to wake yourself to hit that upload button.

Do Good Work

If you want people to follow you, it is essential to do great work and share them on Dribbble constantly. If you don’t have fantastic projects to do at your 9-5 job, start doing some interesting freelancing project that you’d love to do or brainstorm some out-of-the-box design concepts for the famous brand or application. By doing so, you’ll be able to grow your profile on Dribbble.

Show Diversity

Seeing the same designs every time is so monotonous. You need to upgrade your Dribbble profile and show diversity every new time. For instance, if UI/UX design is your primary focus, you can split out your work into the mobile design, web design, wireframes, style guides, and so on. This can help you in getting an image that you are not just ‘one tricky pony.’ 

Interact With the Community

Apart from creating unique designs and posting them, it is also essential to interact with the other people whose creative designs inspire you the most. We all know creating unique designs takes a lot of time & effort, so be sure to communicate with other fellow designers and appreciate their work and tell them how much you admire their work.

Maintain Quality

Quality and Consistency are key to success.” So, don’t post below your quality and never exceed the quantity.

As a designer, you may come up with lots of design ideas, and that’s not a big thing. But, maintaining a certain level of quality to some extent is what matters the most. So, make sure you always hold the consistency & quality of work. By doing so, you can grow your Dribbble profile and make an excellent name for your brand.

Seek Feedback and Iterate

To improve your skills and grow your Dribbble profile, actively seek feedback from the community and be open to constructive criticism. Dribbble is a platform to showcase your work and a place to learn and grow as a designer. Share your designs with fellow designers, join design communities, and participate in design critiques. Embrace feedback as an opportunity to iterate and refine your work, ultimately enhancing the quality of your designs and attracting more attention to your profile.

Collaborate With Others

Collaboration can be a powerful way to expand your network, learn from others, and create innovative designs. Reach out to designers whose work aligns with your style and interests and explore collaboration opportunities. Collaborative projects expose your work to a broader audience and allow you to tap into your collaborators’ diverse skill sets and perspectives, resulting in unique and compelling designs that can elevate your Dribbble profile.

Share Your Design Process

Don’t hesitate to share your design process and behind-the-scenes insights with your audience. Documenting and sharing your design journey, from initial sketches to the final product, provides valuable context and storytelling. By offering a glimpse into your creative process, you establish a connection with your audience and demonstrate your expertise and thoughtfulness as a designer.

Engage With Trending Topics and Design Challenges

Stay up-to-date with the latest design trends and participate in design challenges on Dribbble. Engaging with trending topics and challenges keeps your work relevant and exposes you to a broader audience and potential collaborations. Showcasing your ability to adapt to current design trends and take on design challenges demonstrates your versatility and creativity.

Wrapping Up

Following these Dribbble best practices will help you grow your profile, build your audience, increase engagement and successfully showcase your label. One of the essential things that will help build your Dribbble profile is to put the hard effort into the work.

Note: It will not happen overnight, but it will happen! So, keep going and publish good quality work consistently.

For more inspirations, check out our Dribbble profile, or if you want to build something similar to our Dribbble profile, contact us. 

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