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Seahawk Response To COVID-19

Written By: author avatar Ryan James
author avatar Ryan James

We are currently living through a time of uncertainty that we’ll truly never forget. The first thing I want to say on behalf of myself and everyone at Seahawk is that our thoughts are with you. Like many of you, we are trying to do what we can to help our customers and the larger community navigate this challenging time. Here are some updates & resources from Seahawk.

Seahawk Updates

  • Seahawk is fully operational, but working remotely. Our office in Boston and New Delhi are completely shutdown.
  • We are taking more video meetings than ever – both internally and with our customers.
  • Our digital workspace is powered by so the transition to remote work has been smooth.
  • Exclusive slack access is offered to premium clients, but we have extended it to other Seahawk customers.
  • Our content hasn’t slowed down… Seahawk is still active on our social media accounts.
  • Follow our journey on Instagram: @seahawkmedia
  • We are actively responding to questions on Seahawk Quora.

We have taken this down time to improve our own website and brand. Exciting things coming soon! Regardless of all the chaos going on in the world, we are still very excited and optimistic for the rest of 2020. We are using this time to support our customers and improve the Seahawk brand.


These times are tough, but it’s a good time to get focused on your brand. We have put together some resources to help the SMB community.

  • Seahawk Learn: Our program to help startups and entrepreneurs get started online.
  • Seahawk Blog: We are pumping out blog articles and case studies on topics like WordPress, SEO, social media, advertising, and more!
  • Webinars: Coming soon on Crowdcast
  • #SeahawkUnited LinkedIn Group: We created this group to help connect other entrepreneurs during this global crisis. Join us!
  • Manage remote work effectively. It can be helpful to connect to others and learn from each other.

Seahawk has put together a team of educators, community managers, and creators to develop a series of content and programs for this new era in business.

We want to hear from you 

We want to know more about the challenges facing you. Please share your questions, feedback, and suggestions with us by replying to this email (We will read every single one of your emails). We wish you the best and look forward to better times.

We wish you the best and look forward to better times.

Ryan James
CEO of Seahawk

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