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Seahawk Launches A Comprehensive App Marketplace

Written By: author image Komal Bothra
author image Komal Bothra
Seahawk Launches A Comprehensive App Marketplace

Seahawk, recognized globally for its outstanding WordPress services, is thrilled to announce the launch of the WP Services Marketplace. This cutting-edge platform is meticulously designed to cater to a broad audience – from small businesses and agency resellers to enterprise companies, offering them an array of premium services in a self-service model.

A One-stop Solution for all your WordPress Needs

With an upsurge in the demand for quality digital services, Seahawk’s WP Services Marketplace emerges as a holistic solution. The marketplace brings together a range of services under one umbrella, ensuring businesses have access to the best in the industry without the hassle of scouting multiple platforms.

Diverse Offerings 

Our Services

The WP Services Marketplace boasts a broad spectrum of services tailored to modern business needs:

  • Web Services: From designing intuitive interfaces to ensuring seamless user experiences, the marketplace’s services cater to all web-based needs.
  • SEO Services: In an era where visibility is critical, Seahawk offers top-notch SEO services to ensure businesses rank higher on search engines and reach their target audience effectively.
  • Development Services: Whether a simple website tweak or a full-fledged application development, the marketplace has covered businesses.
  • VIP Services: Exclusively curated for those seeking premium and specialized services, the VIP section caters to high-end requirements with a touch of exclusivity.
  • WP Hosting: Recognizing the importance of robust hosting solutions, the marketplace also offers Managed WordPress Hosting. It’s the perfect blend of upgraded resources and expert management, ensuring websites not only run smoothly but also efficiently, particularly as businesses scale up.

Seahawk App Features: Technology at your Fingertips

Seahawk’s dedicated app epitomizes convenience and is designed with the client’s needs at the forefront. This intuitive tool, accessible from any smartphone or tablet, equips users to manage projects with unprecedented ease.

Customer Convenience

From placing new orders to tracking ongoing tasks or accessing vital project details, the app ensures clients are constantly in the loop, fostering collaboration and efficiency throughout the developmental process.
Moreover, this app revolutionizes communication. No longer are clients bogged down by lengthy email exchanges or endless wait times on phone calls. Instead, they enjoy the luxury of real-time updates, clear discussions, and instant feedback, marking a transformative shift in the client-agency interaction dynamic.


Interested in reselling or endorsing Seahawk’s myriad of services? It’s now simplified with a user-friendly affiliate dashboard. With a unique tracking link and generous commission rates, promoting Seahawk’s offerings has never been more rewarding.

Flexible Payment Options

Add Payment Options

Understanding the importance of seamless transactions, Seahawk’s WP Services Marketplace supports a variety of payment methods, including VISA and Mastercard, among others. Clients can effortlessly input their card number and name and choose to set it as a default payment method or even update existing subscriptions. This ensures a hassle-free payment experience, reinforcing Seahawk’s commitment to user-centric solutions.

About Seahawk

Seahawk, co-founded by visionaries Gautam Khorana and Ryan James, has carved its niche as a global powerhouse in WordPress design and development. Over the years, the agency has been instrumental in aiding businesses and agencies across the globe to amplify their online footprint. Their services span website design and development, digital marketing, site optimization, hacked site repairs, SEO, and beyond.

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