Sticky Posts | Classic Editor

Sticky Posts is a feature in WordPress that allows you to highlight specific posts by keeping them at the top of your front page until new sticky posts are published. This can be useful for featuring important or time-sensitive content you want to ensure your visitors see first. Please note that Sticky Posts are only available for the built-in post type “post” and not for custom post types.

How to Stick a Post

To stick a post in the Classic Editor, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your WordPress Administration Screens and navigate to “Posts” and “All Posts.” Alternatively, you can create a new post by selecting “Posts” and “Add New.”
  2. Select the post you want to stick to.
  3. In the right sidebar, click on the “Document” tab.
  4. Look for the “Visibility” section and check the option “Stick to the Front Page.”
  5. Save your changes.

This will mark the selected post as sticky and remain at the top of your front page until you uncheck the “Stick to the Front Page” option or publish new sticky posts.

How to Stick a Post in the Classic Editor

If you are using WordPress Version 3.x or 4.x, or the Classic Editor plugin, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your WordPress Administration Screens and navigate to “Posts” and “All Posts.” Alternatively, you can create a new post by selecting “Posts” and “Add New.”
  2. Select the post you want to stick to.
  3. In the right sidebar, click “Edit” next to the “Visibility” option.
  4. Check the option “Stick this post to the front page.”
  5. Click “OK” to confirm your selection.

This will mark the selected post as sticky and remain at the top of your front page until you uncheck the “Stick this post to the front page” option or publish new sticky posts.

By using Sticky Posts, you can effectively control the display order of your posts and ensure that critical content remains prominently visible to your visitors.

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