
WP free software

Whether WordPress is free or not is one of the features that might confuse users. People often become perplexed since the solution might be complicated. A WordPress site may be cost-free or incur some expenses. However, the WordPress program, often known as the WordPress core, is and always will be free. WordPress is free because you can modify, expand, and utilize it any way you see fit. This goes beyond merely the financial cost of WordPress.

WordPress and the two meanings of ‘Free’ word

Understanding the two meanings of the word “free” is helpful before examining if WordPress is free.

So let’s examine in more detail the accessible features of WordPress.

Speaking freely

In all senses of the term, WordPress software is free. WordPress is available for free download, and once you have it, you are free to use or modify it any way you see fit.

The GNU General Public License (or GPL), which governs how the software is published, makes it free to use, change, and download. Open-source software is what it is.

The following summarises the main characteristics of this license:

It’s crucial to note the third point. It implies that as long as the GPL license is also used, you can take WordPress, modify it, repackage it, and sell it to other people for a profit. In other words, your customers can purchase the code, but you have to grant them access so they can make changes on their own.

You could download WordPress and modify the code to make it operate differently if you’re used to working with software businesses that aren’t open source. It has evolved into a Content Management System used for various websites throughout time.

Even if you have access to alter WordPress’ core code, you shouldn’t, as it is not a great idea. Best practices advise you to “pack” your adjustments in a new plugin or use an existing one if you wish to tweak WordPress. Because they are saved in the files in your plugin, your adjustments won’t be lost when you upgrade your WordPress version.

WordPress Copyright: Is it Free?

WordPress is not a copyright-free platform. Although it is licensed so that anybody may use it, each addition made to the program is protected by copyright.

You are free to use, alter, and distribute the code because it is provided under the GPL. Not the entire code, just the changes you make to the software will be covered by your copyright.

Any derivative work you produce or distribute must be licensed under the GPL.

Interested to know more about WordPress free software? Head to Seahawk Media for the best information on this topic.

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