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Long-Tail SEO: What Is Long-Tail SEO, And How Can You Use It?

Written By: author image Komal Bothra
author image Komal Bothra
Hey, I’m Komal. I write content that speaks from the heart and makes WordPress work for you. Let’s make your ideas come alive!
Long-Tail SEO: What Is Long-Tail SEO, And How Can You Use It?

What exactly is the long tail in SEO? Why use this keyword strategy, and how do you put it in place? The answers.

The hunt for the best positioning within Google’s SERP is a reality. Because of this situation, generic keywords have become highly competitive. The first positions in search results are now synonymous with impeccable SEO, a high cost in SEA, or even popularity at the top level. However, this positioning is not easy to achieve, especially for new sites. To overcome this problem, some opt for a long-tail strategy. Discover the specifics of this SEO technique.

Long-tail SEO is an SEO strategy that people with a website usually overlook. They prefer to focus on the keywords that generate a high traffic volume to improve their site’s positioning. And yet, the long-tail SEO can be a significant source of traffic.

In this blog, we will share: What is it concretely? How to detect long-tail keywords? How to use them for your SEO?

The long tail in SEO: what exactly is it?

In SEO, the long tail or long tail refers to the technique of ranking well on search engines by using keywords comprising expressions of 3 or more words.

Unlike generic keywords, the long tail is characterized by a low search volume, which is less competitive.

A concept discovered by Chris Anderson, the editor of Wired, in 2004, this strategy attracts fewer visitors. Still, according to his observation, the accumulation of these keywords constitutes a large majority of a website’s traffic. This situation is proven by looking at the traffic generated by Amazon or Netflix. In terms of e-commerce, long-tail SEO thus refers to the technique of selling a large variety of products in small quantities.

What categories of keywords do you think will drive more traffic to your blog?

These are, of course, the 100 most specific and less competitive keywords. Why? Because they generate total traffic of around 12,000 per year while generic keywords create only 6,000 per year. In addition, since they are less competitive, they will bring you a good share of this total traffic since you are well positioned on it.

And that’s without counting the fact that they will bring you more qualified traffic since they correspond to more specific requests from Internet users.

Wrong and unrealistic scenario? Not at all!

Because as Moz explains so well, 70% of requests on Google relate to long-tail keywords. And if you’re used to keyword research, you must have noticed it too.

You must have noticed that most of the keywords in a theme correspond to more specific requests from the Internet user and often generate very little traffic: in the order of 0 to 10 per month, sometimes much more. These keywords are the long-tail keywords.

For example, when an Internet user searches for a TV screen, he types a short and generic keyword if he types “TV screen” in Google. If he had typed “Cheap 43 inch LED TV screen”, he would have typed a long tail keyword.

And since long-tail keywords (cheap 43-inch LED TV screen, for example) do not individually generate as much traffic as generic keywords taken separately (TV screen, for example), they are often neglected by most of your competitors. So remember the example of the 100 more specific and less competitive keywords versus the three short and generic keywords!

What are the interests of the long tail in SEO?

Using the long tail in SEO has several advantages for a website.

Low search volume

The so-called long-tail keywords undoubtedly have a low search volume. While it may seem like a disadvantage at first glance, this feature is the main strength of the long tail.

Indeed, with a low search volume, long-tail will allow you to target your prospects better. You can use specific terms to define your offers or products—a very effective method to generate quality traffic within your website.

Less tough competition

Unlike generic keywords that generate a large number of queries, the long tail ensures a low competition rate. This will allow your website to position itself better when it comes to internet users’ requests.

For example, “3 star 3-star hotel in Paris” is less competitive than “hotel in Paris.”

Moreover, this situation will increase the number of clicks on your site’s links to improve the quality of your traffic.

A precise target

Another advantage of long-tail SEO is to target your prospects better naturally. Indeed, the targeting technique is essential in SEO because it guarantees the company’s return on investment. So, apart from paid ads with high targeting potential, the long tail will also allow you to reach your targets easily. Thanks to the long tail, the queries are more specific, and only the most interested Internet users will access your website.

A reduced cost

On the Google Ads side, the costs of long-tail keywords are lower than generic keywords.

An undeniable advantage for companies seeking to minimize their expenses. SMEs looking for a good compromise between CPC (Cost per Click) and ROI can opt for the long tail in their marketing strategy.

However, it is essential to know how to handle the long tail to avoid losses. Indeed, with less well-referenced keywords, you must optimize your content to convert.

A high conversion rate

Specific queries characterize long-tail SEO. Thus, it allows retaining better visitors who type a particular and precise expression. This loyalty is synonymous with a high conversion rate. This is because even if queries don’t translate into a purchase, visitors are more likely to return to your site previously.

How do you find long-tail keywords?

As we saw earlier, the long tail has several advantages for a business. The question now is to define your long-tail keywords. For that, here are some methods which will allow you to find long-tail keywords quickly.

Google search suggestions

To position yourself well in Google’s SERP, you can take inspiration from the search suggestions offered by Google to define your keywords. To do this, all you have to do is type the generic keywords in the search bar and view the suggestions given by Google in addition. A simple method to efficiently find relevant long-tail to put on your web pages.

Related research

Another reasonably similar method is to look at the “related searches” section on the search results page. Indeed, during a query, Google automatically generates expressions associated with your question. In other words, Google provides you with derived questions. By visualizing these, you can find many ideas on long-tail related to your area of ​​expertise.

Local SEO

Companies with a field of action in a specific geographic area can use local SEO to gain notoriety.

Indeed, devices and browsers have the localization feature allowing Google to adjust the results in the search pages according to the geographical area of ​​the Internet user. To take advantage of local SEO, you can add your business location to get an effective long tail. Another essential strategy is to target the right leads.

Keyword research tools

A more generalist method is to use keyword research tools to define your long-tail keywords. Indeed, on the internet, you can find several tools to find free or paid keywords.

For advertisers using an Ads campaign, you can use Google Keyword Planner.

Another free alternative is using Ubersuggest, which can give you several long-tail from a generic keyword.

Competitor analysis

Another strategy for finding an effective long tail is to analyze your competition. Indeed, you can find specific keywords little exploited by the competition within their web pages. This analysis will allow you to rank well on these keywords, thanks to good SEO.

How to use long-tail SEO to improve your SEO?

In short, the way to implement a long tail strategy is to incorporate these keywords into your content. Thus, your objective is to publish content with high added value that responds to the problems of Internet users and illustrates the long tail in your responses. The two essential elements to achieving this goal are the editorial plan and the lexical/semantic field.

An editorial plan

The objective of implementing an editorial plan is, above all, to publish content that speaks to Internet users. Indeed, the user experience has become the critical element of good SEO. Thus, you will need time and expertise to build your long-tail and adapt your editorial plan around these keywords. Put yourself in your visitors’ shoes by answering their questions with relevance and precision. The clarity of your content will play a significant role in its quality.

A lexical/semantic field

After providing a good experience for your users, don’t forget to satisfy the search algorithms. Indeed, even if these two concepts are more and more linked, the use of lexical and semantic fields contributes to the good referencing of your long tail. Do not be satisfied with long-tail keywords; enrich your content by using keywords related to them. To implement a long tail strategy within your web pages, you can call on the SEO experts of Just Search.

Let’s get to the next level together.

Do you want to improve your company’s long-tail SEO?

Your digital marketing strategy must adapt with more consumers relying on search engines to discover new products and services. With an innovative and competitive long-tail SEO strategy, you can reach the audiences that matter most to your company, leading to more revenue for your business.

Ready to start using long-tail SEO? Our dedicated and skilled team can help. Reach out to us today to speak with a strategist — or fill out our short contact form or write at

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