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Seahawk Leadership Meets With Sendible CEO In London

Written By: author image Komal Bothra
author image Komal Bothra
Hey, I’m Komal. I write content that speaks from the heart and makes WordPress work for you. Let’s make your ideas come alive!

The Seahawk Leadership started off the year 2020 by gathering some interesting insights and discussions as they traveled to London to meet the Sendible management and their CEO and Founder Gavin Hammar along with Head of Sales – Johnny Costello. With a steadily growing fan base, Sendible is one of the leading social media management platforms that has worked wonders for several brands in its decade long tenure.

Seahawk Media’s senior management team comprising of CEO Ryan James, COO Gautam Khorana, and Head of Social Tanvi Khorana caught with the Sendible team just before the COVID-19 lockdown trapped everyone, in March 2020.

With the perfect London weather, the Seahawk leadership visited their office in the picturesque North Finchley and had extensive discussions on how an automated social customer relationship management tool like Sendible has changed the way small businesses and startups convert social media opportunities into leads and sales.

Sendible office in London

Seahawk Media has been using the Sendible software for over a year now to handle and manage all social media accounts for our clients. As a digital agency, Seahawk Media has extensive use of Sendible and its automation tools that help in setting up a cohesive social media strategy and manage an exhaustive social calendar. In between meetings and team discussions, the Leadership triad found time to relish some authentic and savory Japanese cuisine at the Aqua Kyoto in London and was bowled over with their excellent service and warm hospitality.

The team further discussed some exciting new features of Sendible that are yet to be released with some exclusive pointers on using the software optimally to help enhance social presence for all our clients. Seahawk Media is proud to partner with an organization like Sendible. Their founding story continues to inspire us and is consistently helping us build stronger brands on social media. The London trip was concluded at the Aqua Kyoto London for Whiskey Sours and craft cocktails as the leadership unwound for a bit before heading back home.

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