Google E-A-T

GOOGLE EAT 09 scaled 1

The E-A-T acronym stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. In August 2018, after the infamous Medic Update, there was a lot of buzz around a concept derived from Google’s search quality rating guidelines. E-A-T is one of the many factors that Google uses when evaluating a web page’s overall quality.

How does Google determine E-A-T?

It is time to talk about how Google determines the E-A-T of a page now that we have answered the question What is E-A-T? The guidelines for the Google search quality evaluator indicate that, at a high level, there are three primary components to consider:

The E-A-T initiative is essentially how Google strives to ensure that the information it returns to searchers is accurate, truthful, and helpful. A website can be created and published by anyone and contain anything they want. To write about investing or start a medical information website, you do not have to be a physician or have a degree in finance.

It is a good thing in some senses. But, Google is faced with a challenge. People make critical decisions based on the information from search results. Google is committed to ensuring its findings are based on reliable and accurate information.

To determine the authority, expertise, and trustworthiness of a website’s content, Google considers the expertise, authority, and reliability of the individual who created that content and the contents of the website itself. 

What is expertise?

Undoubtedly, the E-A-T look will differ depending on the type of website, as Google recognizes this fact. For example, a gossip site has a different level of expertise than a news site and should be treated differently. There is also a recognition by those who are experts in a field that they may not have been trained in formal ways; however, they may have expertise in that field. 

Google E-A-T SEO Importance

It is understood that a person may make life-altering decisions based on the information they read on the internet. As such, a poor source of information in Google search results can have a real-world impact on your life.

You must tread carefully when placing your web pages or content in the following YMYL categories. Make It clear that it has been written by individuals with the right standing and qualifications.

You have a better chance of organic search engine visibility and ranking success if you follow and apply the E-A-T standards to your content.

Is Google E-A-T a ranking factor?

In terms of measurable metrics, E-A-T does not influence Google rankings directly. In addition to expertise, authority, and trust, Google uses other ranking factors to determine competence, authority, and confidence.

“How Google Fights Disinformation,” a white paper published in February 2019, emphasizes the importance of E-A-T. A review of Google’s current Search Quality Rater Guidelines shows that the term “E-A-T” appears 137 times. There is no doubt that it is a crucial concept.

A single metric does not measure Google E-A-T scores. Instead, authors, web pages, websites, and brands are evaluated according to other measurable factors.

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