Writing Posts (Classic Editor)

Writing Posts in the Classic Editor of WordPress is a simple and intuitive process. Here are the key elements to consider:

Screen Options

  1. When you access the Classic Editor by selecting “Posts” in the WordPress dashboard, you’ll find the “Screen Options” button in the top right corner.
  2. Clicking on it reveals a dropdown menu that allows you to customize your editing experience.
  3. Turn on or off specific post fields based on your preferences and requirements.

Post Field Descriptions

  1. Title: Enter a descriptive and engaging title for your post.
  2. Content: Utilize the main content area to write the body of your post. To enhance your content, incorporate text, images, videos, and other media elements.
  3. Categories and Tags: Assign relevant categories and tags to effectively organize and classify your post.
  4. Featured Image: Set a featured image that represents your post visually.
  5. Excerpt: Craft a concise summary or teaser for your post.
  6. Publish: Determine the publication status and schedule for your post.

Best Practices for Posting

  1. Plan your post: Outline your ideas, structure your content, and ensure a logical flow of information.
  2. Use headings: Organize your content using heading tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to improve readability and SEO optimization.
  3. Text formatting: Utilize text formatting options (bold, italic, bullet points, etc.) to emphasize important points and enhance readability.
  4. Media integration: Incorporate images, videos, or audio files to make your post visually appealing and engaging.
  5. Proofread and preview: Before publishing, proofread your content for grammar and spelling errors. Preview your post to ensure it appears as intended.

Visual Versus Text Editor

  1. The Classic Editor provides both visual and text editor modes.
  2. In the visual mode, you can use the formatting toolbar to style your content without dealing with HTML code directly.
  3. In the text editor mode, you can work with the raw HTML code of your post.

Remember to periodically save your post as a draft and preview it to ensure the formatting is correct before publishing it on your website.

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