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Septic Blowers

Purchasing industrial equipment is a very different process when compared to shopping for other consumer items -be it online or in-store. This is where experts at Septic Blowers come in. Not only do they carry years of experience but they also provide a range of products like no other. Septic Blowers maintains its reputation for quality products by offering equipment from some of the most prestigious names in the industry.

Thanks to their highly qualified team and valuable partnerships, Septic Blowers soon earned the reputation of being one of Australia’s finest suppliers of industrial equipment – especially in the realm of septic blowers and aerators of course. The company aims to consistently provide cost-effective solutions to all its clients. They do this by coming over to the client’s site, assessing their needs, and presenting them with an offer that fits their industrial needs best.

Check them out!


Since the products belong to a niche line in the industry, it was crucial for Septic Blowers to have a functional website that makes it easy for users to understand more about their products. This required a website redesign and creating unique content that can work efficiently with the design. Septic Blowers also required a unique SEO strategy that would allow search engines to recognize their line of products while ranking their website so the Australian market would be able to access their services with ease.

Visit their website!

Solution & Results:

To begin with, Seahawk Media brought together content, SEO, and web teams to create a bespoke strategy for Septic Blowers. The ultimate goal was to produce a website that caters to all of the clients’ needs but also gives Septic Blowers some brand visibility across the web and especially with the help of search engines. This required intense industry research that would help in finding keywords that strike that balance between less competition in the market and relevancy for potential customers. Our research stages were crucial as the keywords are industry-specific and in some cases, not a part of people’s everyday vocabulary.

So, how did we help?

  • We worked on an SEO-optimization strategy that placed them right at the top of Google rankings for most of the chosen keywords.
  • Our content team also worked with the SEO team to produce blogs that would help boost rankings further and provide relevant content to end-users.
  • By reworking their website design, we were able to provide a clean and useful website to Septic Blowers that their customers would find easy and informative upon using it.
  • After extensive research, we also chalked out a social media strategy that made their social channels look better than their competitors and also passed on the information that was required about their products and services.
  • Our content and design teams worked relentlessly to create social media posts that brought along with them the right kind of engagement and brand awareness. -And to take it up a notch, regular audits were conducted to check if the strategies in place were yielding the results required or if they needed an update.

Overall, the results were marvelous. Septic Blowers now had a functional and seamless website along with a strong presence across social media. These elements coupled with strong SEO strategies allowed more customers to find them and reach out to place more orders – ultimately taking them one step further from the competitors.

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