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Case Study: Plannera

Plannera's website overhaul

Plannera, a premier business plan service renowned for its extensive experience in investment banking and finance, sought to elevate its digital presence to match its esteemed reputation. With over 35 years of combined industry expertise, Plannera turned to Seahawk, a leader in WordPress development, to transform its website. This case study explores the multifaceted approach taken by our team to transform Plannera’s online platform, focusing on design, technical enhancements, and site optimization.

Website Designing for Excellence

Objective: Revitalize Plannera’s web design to improve user engagement and reflect the brand’s professional ethos.

User-Friendly Responsive Layout

Recognizing the importance of accessibility, Seahawk implemented a responsive layout. This design ensured that Plannera’s website offered a seamless and consistent experience across various devices, catering to a diverse user base.

Interactive Home Page Pop-up


An interactive pop-up was integrated on the home page to capture visitor attention and enhance user interaction. This feature was designed to engage users and provide them with immediate value upon arrival at the site.

Attractive Header with Anchor Button

Plannera's Header

The website’s header was transformed with an eye-catching design and an intuitive anchor button. This addition streamlined navigation, allowing users to access different sections of the site effortlessly.

Hero Section with Integrated Form

Hero page

The hero section was a vital feature of the redesign, which now includes a strategically placed form. This integration was aimed at encouraging user engagement and facilitating lead capture from the onset of the visit.

Innovative Heading Design

Innovative heading

The headings were reimagined to align with Plannera’s branding, striking a balance between professionalism and creativity.

Revamped Service Plan Section

Service plan section

We revamped the service plan section with a user-friendly accordion design. This layout not only enhanced the visual appeal but also improved the organization and accessibility of Plannera’s comprehensive services.

Contemporary Approach and Service Pages

contemporary approach page

The Approach and Service pages were utterly overhauled to reflect a modern and efficient style, aligning with Plannera’s forward-thinking approach to business planning.

Technical Refinements

Objective: Resolve backend issues to enhance website functionality and user experience.

SMTP Integration

SMTP integration

To address recurring email functionality problems, we integrated a robust SMTP service. This solution ensured the reliability and effectiveness of the website’s email communication system.

Admin-Side Form Entry Solution

Admin-Side Form Entry Solution

Our developer team tackled the technical challenges affecting form entries on the admin side. By resolving these issues, the team streamlined the administrative process, enhancing the overall efficiency of website management.

Site Optimization Breakthrough

Objective: Dramatically improve website performance and speed to enhance user experience.

Before Optimization:

Plannera website before site optimization
  • Grade: C
  • Structure: 70%
  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): 2.4s
  • Total Blocking Time (TBT): 126ms
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): 0.02

After Optimization:

Plannera website after site optimization
  • Grade: A
  • Structure: 100%
  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): 386ms
  • Total Blocking Time (TBT): 11ms
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): 0.02

Our site optimization experts significantly improved Plannera’s website performance through targeted optimization strategies. The enhancements notably included reducing the Largest Contentful Paint and Total Blocking Time, which are critical factors in user experience and SEO rankings.

Impact and Results

The transformation of Plannera’s website by Seahawk profoundly impacted the business. The revamped site not only reflected the professionalism and expertise of Plannera but also significantly improved the user journey. Key results included:

  • Increased User Engagement: The new interactive elements and streamlined navigation led to higher user engagement and longer session durations.
  • Enhanced Lead Generation: The integrated forms in the hero section and service pages increased lead generation and customer inquiries.
  • Improved SEO Performance: The optimization efforts significantly improved the site’s loading times and responsiveness, contributing to better search engine rankings.
  • Positive User Feedback: Post-launch feedback from Plannera’s clients and stakeholders was overwhelmingly positive, noting the site’s professional look, ease of use, and informative content.


Seahawk’s rapid and comprehensive overhaul of Plannera’s website illustrates the effectiveness of a swift and strategic approach to web development and design. This project transformed Plannera’s digital identity and set a new standard for WordPress Quicksite solutions, showcasing our ability to deliver prompt and customized results that align with client goals.

Reflections and Future Directions

As Plannera continues to evolve, the flexibility and scalability of the new website design ensure that it can adapt to future changes and challenges. Collaborating with Seahawk has laid a solid foundation for Plannera’s ongoing digital success, setting a benchmark for excellence.

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