If you are in this race, you must have realized by now that in today’s digital world, social media marketing can make or break your business. And so, you’ve done what needs to be done to ensure a strong online presence for your business. Or so you thought. Sure, you have a cool Facebook page running and you put up quirky Instagram stories every other day. But what difference has that made? How do you measure it? How do you improvise on your current social media strategy? What you need: a social media audit.
An Audit?
Yes, an audit. A social media audit is like a grade sheet to assess how all your social handles are performing. Imagine you are on a journey. You hustle and toil but don’t know how far you’ve come. At some point you’d be moving without knowing which direction you’re heading towards.
That is exactly what doing your socials without regular audits does in the long run. The same journey is more fun and productive if you keep a track of your movement, progress and detours. So an audit essentially maps out your progress on social media platforms.
Here’s a really simple guide on how to do a social media audit.
Hunt down your handles
The first step is to make a chart of all the social media platforms your business uses or even used long ago. Note the follower count and post count. Make sure that your logo and content is uniform and updated across all channels.
Set your goals
Now, before you get to the bottom of this, jot down the original goal for each of your accounts. For instance, an instagram account can exist to drive audience engagement whereas a linkedin account can purely be informative and awareness-oriented.
The Analytics
An audit probably has you picturing complex graphs and dizzying numbers. Of course, there’s some numbers involved but the truth is, most of the work is already done for you by the platforms you use.
Open up your social media analytics tool for each of your accounts. Different accounts provide different metrics and your job is to collect and curate what you require. Here is what you need to review:
The Channel: Here, you review the overall performance of a particular channel. Look for data such as how your follower count has risen or fallen, the count of shares and mentions and the frequency of your posts. This ensures that you aren’t investing too much on channels that aren’t paying off and instead focusing on ones that do.
The Content: On each of your handles, identify your top performing posts and the poor performing ones. Are videos fetching you more shares and likes? Does your audience prefer pictures or illustrations? Is your content mobile-friendly? And while you answer such questions, don’t leave out the reach that your hashtags fetch you.
The Audience: Your audience demographic can differ across your accounts. Studying demographics will help you put out content that each audience group can relate to. Today, it is all about how personal you make the content for your audience. Study their age group, location, interests etc, using tools like Facebook Audience Insights.
The traffic: Figure out what is funneling your social media and website traffic too. Are your socials driving traffic to your website? Which channels are generating the most leads? You can find these numbers through Google Analytics with the “Acquisition” option under “Social” filter.
Look around
Now that you have data for your own handles, check out the handles of your competitors. What handles work best for them? What kind of audience do they target? There is always something to learn from keeping an eye out.
Loopholes & opportunities
Finally, assess your weak points and find out new opportunities. If there is a new platform that you’re missing out on, dive in! It is most important to come up with new objectives for each of your handles that align with the audit data you collected. A new objective can simply be to use more graphics on your instagram posts.
There you go, you’ve successfully audited all your social media handles. You are sure to spot a significant difference in your audience engagement and lead generation. And if you need a hand to conduct a timely audit for your accounts, we’re happy to help!