Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality truly is.
Pete McBride is a brand of famous photographer that has received many accolades in his field. He has spent two decades studying the world with a camera and soon flourished as a self-taught photographer, filmmaker, writer, and public speaker. With many feathers in his cap, he has spent half of his life traveling around 75 countries for prominent organizations like National Geographic, Smithsonian, Google, The Nature Conservancy, and many more. He is a Sony Artisan of Imagery and has shared his experiences of life on many big platforms. His humor, combined with his passion and love for visual storytelling and conservation, has put him in popular demand for public speaking engagements at many big platforms like TEDx, The World Economic Forum, Nat Geo Live, etc. Whether it involves vantages from 20,000 feet or swimming below icebergs, Pete is passionate about creating unique photographs, films, and stories.
After a decade of documenting remote expeditions from Everest to Antarctica, McBride decided to focus his cameras closer to home on a subject closer to his heart—his backyard river, Colorado. Pete’s latest National Geographic film was nominated for an ‘Emmy for best Nature Documentary. He loves to use his adventures as a way to tell visual stories of how wild places impacted his life.
A Brand With an Artistic Vision
In a world of emerging websites, inspiring designs, creative foresight, and ever-growing marketing ideas, the art & culture industry is experiencing change at an accelerated rate. Pete McBride, one of the most talented photographers in the world, invited us to help build a stronger, futuristic version of his ideas. He took his reputation and career from relative obscurity to high visibility in building his personal brand.
With a mission to revamp his website, Pete McBride worked day and night with us to build a user-friendly and close-to-nature website. He wanted to keep his brand distinct but congruent to his profession. The streamlining process went on with a flow as we began interacting with his ideas, giving logic to new brand architecture and designing a new identity. He visioned to have a creative, professional-looking, interactive, and expressive website, which we were very successful in delivering.
Website Overview
After sleepless nights and consistent hard work, our passionate team of highly talented Developers, Designers, Writers, and Creative thinkers, decided to create a vibrant yet naturally subtle brand website that can feel alive and connected to real people. We took a few days to develop visuals to express our thoughts. We then did a custom redesign of the website within a short span of time.
We used Smumug for a few images, a third-party platform for Photographers to securely sell their prints. The logo which we got was inspired by the Colorado River (the U-Shape). We took the colors Abbey (#4C4D4F) and Well-Read (#A93D2D) from their logo and used the lighter hues throughout the website too. The secondary colors that we used were Black (#000000) and White (#FFFFFF). For the Typography part, we used Elgoc Alt Medium and Elgoc Alt Regular to keep everything simple yet classy.
We expressed emotions through displaying all of his lifetime achievements. We used various transitional effects throughout the website by adding different micro-interactions, animations, effects, sliders and created a mega-menu for the header. We integrated his Instagram, and other social media handles to the website and videos from his Vimeo and Youtube pages, respectively.
How We Connected the Dots?
Through a process of immersion in the ideas and the ultimate goal of the brand Pete McBride, we identified precisely how the brand is highly imbibed in the mind of its audience and how their work resonates deeply with them. Pete McBride demonstrates that leveling up your personal brand can connect you with your audience. The factors like having an expressive, custom-designed website and in-build communication patterns can uplift the overall personality of the brand in itself. With social media accounts and a robust website in place, the brand can easily set a unique example of finesse and authenticity.
In a world of templatized sameness, we, at Seahawk Media, in partnership with the in-house development team, successfully captured and elevated the ineffable brand spirit. With the potent mixture of subtleness, dignity, and standard, both the client and we were remarkably involved in developing the entire site. We developed a new brand system that, in each element — from the color palette, typographic system, and photographic styles — works to maintain a precise balance between the sophisticated and the surreal (opposing reductive, over-complicated design trends), to better gauge the company’s unique path and expression.
The unfolding of this project retains all the elements attached to the brand while creating space for Pete McBride to grow and speak with greater authority to a broader audience.